At some point it will happen but 2014 isn’t the right year for integrating solar power into consumer phones, tablets and notebooks, especially for Apple.
I read a report about solar power integration on the next iPhone this morning and while I find it stimulating to think about this, it’s probably not going to happen in 2014 because solar technology advances aren’t keeping up with the rising demands for power in mobile phones; much of which comes from the requirement for backlighting on ever-increasing screen sizes. Placin any sort of solar panel on or behind a screen of any size simply won’t generate enough power even to run a backlight. Think about it. How often do you require the backlight? Always. When can you charge via solar energy? In the daylight. I doubt that you could generate more power than that which would be lost through trying to store that energy in the battery. At best you could probably power a static e-ink screen and I doubt that Apple is going that route with the iPhone 6.