TechCrunch Inc. CrunchPad Specifications and information

TechCrunch Inc. CrunchPad alternatives

The Crunchpad is set to break new pricing ground for tablets although it is said to be a web-only device for 'couch computing.' More details expected July/Aug 2009

TechCrunch Inc. CrunchPad Specifications

Manufacturer TechCrunch Inc.
Model name CrunchPad
CPU Intel Atom Z530
Detailed info
CPU speed 1600 Mhz
Graphics Intel GMA 500 specs
OS Linux
Display Size
Display Type
Soft (Finger) Touch
RAM 1024 MB
Weight (Minimum) 1200gm / 2.65 pounds
Size 324/199/19.0 mm
Size 12.8/7.8/0.7 inches
Physical Interfaces USB 2.0
Wireless Interfaces802.11b/g
No Bluetooth
No Wireless WAN (e.g. 4G)
*Specifications can vary
TechCrunch Inc. CrunchPad popularity (12 months)
TechCrunch Inc. CrunchPad news and review links.Date
Guessing the specs - Crunchpad.23/02/19
CrunchPad prototype coming this month, be available ASAP23/02/19
Crunchpad specs news report23/02/19

TechCrunch Inc. CrunchPad alternatives

Acer Aspire One 725, 11.6 inch, 1200 grams (2.65 lbs)
The Acer Aspire One 725 is a netbook of the latest generation featuring Bluetooth 4.0+HS, Wi-Fi b/g/n, up to 500GB of HDD and 4GB of RAM. It comes with a 4-cell battery and there is an 3G option. With its AMD C-60 fusion CPU and its built in AMD Radeon HD 6290 it is powerful enough for Full-HD media consumption on the go. At a price point of 359€ this device is a versatile and powerful Netbook. Especially the 3G option might be interesting for some people.
ASUS Eee PC 1225C, 11.6 inch, 1440 grams (3.17 lbs)
The ASUS Eee PC 1225C comes with all features of the Eee PC 1225B but is powered by Intel's CedarTrail Platform. It runs with an Intel Atom N2600 clocked at 1.6 GHz.
Asus Eee PC 1225B, 12.5 inch, 1440 grams (3.17 lbs)
Acer Chromia 700, 11.6 inch, 1380 grams (3.04 lbs)
Asus Eee Slate EP121 (EP121), 12.1 inch, 1159 grams (2.56 lbs)
Acer Aspire One 721, 11.6 inch, 1400 grams (3.09 lbs)
Acer Aspire 1551, 11.6 inch, 1400 grams (3.09 lbs)
Asus Eee PC 1101HA, 11.6 inch, 1379 grams (3.04 lbs)
Fusion Garage JooJoo, 12.0 inch, 1200 grams (2.65 lbs)
Samsung N510, 11.6 inch, 1409 grams (3.11 lbs)
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