Mobits BoBos. 5.6″ UMPC/Origami?

Posted on 19 March 2006, Last updated on 16 March 2019 by


MoBits were mentioned by VIA in a press release relating to their C7-M a few weeks ago and a sunday morning browse at their web-site today revealed some ultra mobile PC devices.

Take a look at the [url=]English product pages[/url] and you’ll see the Bobos, the Adam, the Acorn and an unlabeled picture of a mini-laptop.

read on…The device above is the Bobos 5.6. We guess thats a 5.6″ screen but there’s no other info available. Is it an Origami device?

Then there’s the Adam/Bart device and the Acorn. I can’t see much difference in the specs.



They can’t be Origami devices becuase they have Transmeta processors and Nvidia GPU’s. The acorn device doesnt even have control pads and keys on the frame. They’re ‘Just’ Tablets then!!

Also on the [url=]product page[/url] is a picture of another ultra mobile PC device. What is it? Is it the first Origami device with built-in keyboard? The jpeg is called “TX1 04080301.jpg” Is it a MoBits TX1?


Its worth keeping an eye on these guys. Although the devices are probably not Origamis, they are obviously capable of producing something UMPC-like. Get your google web and news notifications set up for Mobits and BoBos!

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