Advantage 7510 not coming to America. Door open for SE.

Posted on 17 May 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

I can almost feel the frustration from here. Another high-end smartphone that’s capable, should you wish, of being a single converged device for voice, on-the-go productivity, entertainment and Internet, is not going to be sold in the U.S. As I understand it the Nokia E90 didn’t reach the U.S. either. At least not in any numbers.

It seems to me that there is currently only one choice for a totally converged device in the U.S. – the Original HTC Advantage 7500. When the Sony Ericsson Xperia arrives in the U.S, it will be a no-brainer for those looking for a totally converged device, surely. Or will iPhone 3G walk away with the flag?

Information and links for the new 7510, including the hands-on from Matt Miler, are available here. The 7500 information page is here.

Source: jkOnTheRun

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