Opera Mini 4.1 upgrade brings noticeable improvements.

Posted on 13 May 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

operamini Opera Mini usage overtook use of the slow S60 browser on my N82 a long time ago due to its easy to use features and the way it renders pages but mostly, because of it’s speed. It uses a man-in-the-middle server to provide cached and optimised versions of pages that are transmitted using proprietary technology, not HTTP, to the client. Its not perfect but it works well for the average ‘browsing’ session. Version 4.1 has just been released and it brings a feature that I was missing from the S60 browser – URL history. It’s also a little faster although not that you’d really notice it in general use. I’d love to have a version of this for Windows so that I could run it on a ultra mobile PC if data usage was tight (when roaming for example) or when I’m in a fringe area and down to GPRS speeds but alas, its not available. Why don’t they build that feature into Opera desktop? It would be great to switch into proxied mode when needed.

jkOnTheRun have a list of the other new features which include web page saving (again, something I was using on the S60 browser) and more. If you want to upgrade your phone, point it to http://www.operamini.com/

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Marc says:

    Not played with Opera Mini, but I’m using Opera Mobile 9.5 on a HTC Athena and that is very nice indeed.

    Almost has the smoothness and zooming of iPhone browsing with the advantage of a higher res screen so you can see more.

  2. Baida says:

    Opera mini 4.1 is great. Downloading n page save features available. I m using it for the last one week after upgrade from 4.0 .

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