We’re going nineteen to the dozen here at UMPCPortal today and its looking like its going to be the longest day of the year! A 24hr news marathon. If you can’t handle the pace though, you’ve got a few easy-read options. The first is our ‘River Of Links.’ which is where we database interesting articles, including our own, from around the ‘net. The second option is to go to the pink room where Jenn will serve you up a nice Hawaiian cocktail of news updates.
Any tips for staying alert gladly appreciated ;-)
Indeed its a marathon…
Chippy what about summarizing the new netbooks and ndivia tegra series, isn’t that a good idea.
Summary will have to wait until more of the news is out although it’s slowing down now as Computex hits the bars of Taipei! Might do a live podcast with JKK later.
“Any tips for staying alert gladly appreciated ;-)”
Well 1 coffee/expresso every two hours and updating the river of links from a park/garden. You could also smoke some cigarettes to hedge off the stressful effect of coffee and compensate the lack of mental activity with amphetamines, but that becomes quite a cocktail!
Have fun… I’ll be reading with pleasure at the other end :)
Hi, will You do a one big article about today? There is a lot of news and I have a big mess in my head.
You are doing a BIG THING in there, we really appreciate that, just keep going and be sure to get good rest after all.
Good luck!
I think i’ll do a podcast with JKK tonight. That should help. Me, you and everybody!