Canonical rolls out a second Moblin-based OS.

Posted on 03 June 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

Its a good day for Moblin. Not only will the core be used by Xandros in the Eee PC at some point in the future but a competing, Canonical-led distro called the Netbook Remix has been launched. As with their Ubuntu Mobile distribution for small-screen MIDs, it will be made available to others that wish to use it in their systems and won’t really be an end-user software package but i’m sure we’ll see it picked up and modded onto all sorts of netbooks before long. Some OEMs have already picked it up for devices to be released later in the year.


Full story, some more images and the full press release over at Engadget.

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Tal says:

    I am sorry but I think that Ubuntu and Moblin are going to have far better chances against MS on the MID (and smartphone) range rather than on the netbooks (or UMPC) domain.

    Anyway Chippy – GREAT WORK over the past 24 hours! I hope you manage to get some $ out of this marvelous coverage … and please please please give us some MID news already :)

  2. Tal says:

    Did companies cancel MID releases? What is going on with Gigabyte m528 … did they not include it in their booth?

  3. chippy says:

    I think companies have pushed MID info out to 2nd or third day. Netbook news is kind of important for them on day!

  4. Tal says:

    Thanks Steve. Looking forward then to whats about to hopefully follow. Keep up the great work.

    Whats your profit sources that we can help with btw? should i press some links on the right to help the cash flow? register? have more people browse the site?

  5. chippy says:

    Hi Tal.
    Just spread the word about Mobile PC’s. Thanks a lot for your support. Good feedback keeps me going!

  6. fans says:

    I have waiting for ubuntu mobile version for a long time but I haven’t find where I can download it and which MID now is available.

  7. Tal says:

    fans you can start here …

  8. yabeweb says:

    Well i really can’t wait any longer!!release it!

    He he

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