Report, Brazil: Dell E becomes Dell Inspiron 910

Posted on 14 August 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

Spotted by a reader over at Eee PC news, this looks like a report about the official specifications of the Dell E which the site is referring to as the Dell Inspiron 910. New information in the post includes 3G options at purchase time and also confirms the lack of Fn-Key row which many people in the target audience won’t miss.

As is par for the course on these info leaks, there’s no final price or availability date and in this case, no source quoted.  I’ve updated the database with the latest details. If anyone can read Portuguese and spots something that Google translator didn’t, let me know!!

I’ve just bought a new Dell desktop. Why? Because it was easy and comfortable to order it from the website. Its a brand I trust well enough and I didn’t want to spend any time researching a purchase. The same is going to happen, possibly millions of times, with this netbook.

Source (Brazilian translation)
Via: Thanks Sascha.

23 Comments For This Post

  1. rahul says:

    Come on release it already :(

  2. Futurize Korea says:

    There seems to be a price/date speculation (22nd?) near the end of the article.

    Okay, I guess I won’t be buying the EeePC 901 tomorrow and I’ll wait a bit longer. :)

  3. Busty says:

    It says the price for the minimal configuration would be around 1200Real, that is 740US-$. Hope it ain’t true.

  4. Clayton says:

    Hey, I’m Brazilian! Forget about this reference price. That includes the local – big, huge! – taxes… I’ve read the full article and the release date is August 22th, within a press meeting.

  5. John M Garberson says:

    …and here’s some Dutch,

    ‘Confirms’ nomenclature, Atom processor, 8.9″ screen, 4, 8, or 12GB memory, Ubuntu or XP…I think. :)


  6. Busty says:

    Same source over 2 corners, so no confirmation.

  7. ben says:

    I agree with you on Dell being a trusted brand, they have become extremely consumer friendly over the last few years and make a great product. I always wished that they would get into the UMPC game, I’m looking forward to this netbook.

  8. Q says:

    Meh. I can’t say that I trust the brand, but it’s pretty decent. It’s really not as bad as what many people trash talk of it. I’ve had owned many other brands and none were really much better than Dell. I’m really looking foward to this one as U2010 turned out to be a disappointment for me.

  9. Sam says:

    Personally I tell people not to buy Dell as the quality is a bit cheap. A friend who was contracted for call out Tech Support for a major British retailer said the majority of faulty PC’s he saw were Dells. My brother bought a Dell XPS M1210 which was fairly quick but didn’t look very nice considering the price tag.

  10. chippy says:

    The majority were Dells. Does that simply mean that more people bought Dells?

  11. ricardo says:

    I’m brazilian. The most important point in the source are the options Dell offers to the costumer. We will be able to choose (according to the article) between 0.3 / 1.3 webcam, N or B wireless, 512 or 1Gb ram etc. About the price, please consider that computer related products in Brazil cost much more than in Europe or USA. R$1200,00 ($740) is, for example, the price from Aspire One here in Brazil (imported). Just for comparison, the Eee 701 costs R$999 ($617) and the Eee 900 R$1500,00 ($926). Also, I would expect a price around $300 in USA. The date from it’s launch in Brazil (and that surprises me, since we always get outdated products here) should be the 22th August. Oh yes, and we will have the option to choose Ubuntu as OS!! The last important point is that these are extra-official infos, maybe we’ll get a price drop, especially cause a Wind-Clone will be sold here for (announced) R$999, the price from a Eee 701.

  12. chippy says:

    Hey Ricardo.

    Thanks for the translation info. What does ‘extra official’ mean? Not quite official? From an unknown source?

  13. Dave says:

    It means it does not come from an official source

  14. bluemonq says:

    no dedicated f5 key? drat. now i’ll have to press two keys to refresh the page!

  15. chippy says:

    Yes. I would miss F11 too!

  16. Futurize Korea says:

    You probably have hot zones on the trackpad to map a few F-keys.. :)

  17. shannon says:

    drat! there goes the ole “Press Alt F4” trick

  18. fraglez says:

    What about 12-inch screen version?

  19. Ricardo says:

    Sorry, my fault. Extra-oficial means that the infos weren’t confirmed by Dell. The blog’s autor says that prices and release date weren’t even decided by them.

  20. Futurize Korea says:

    More confirmation, this time from BusinessWeek with the 910 using new music software from Dell:

    “Dell hopes to announce the Zing software as a feature on small, cheap laptops expected in September and to have the software installed on all of its consumer PCs by the end of the year. Two portable media players are scheduled for early next year, according to three sources. Bucher confirms that new devices are coming, but he won’t discuss details.”

  21. pyr77 says:

    Does that configuration handle iTunes with movie trailers? Not necessarily HD quality.

  22. enthusiast says:

    I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. Very impatient.

    I have 2 Dell’s now. A big desktop, and a big laptop, though they are getting a bit dated.

    I have looked at the small Dell 12″ latitudes, and the 13.3″ later ones over the years, which go for $1,200 plus with nothing on them, and found them wanting for a inexpensive small sized system.

    A 9″ or so, $300 to $500 one has a place under my Christmas tree already reserved.

    I just hope the battery can give me 6 or so hours.

  23. Dell Netbook says:

    Good german review under:


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