To all the websites, companies and visitors that I’ve learned so much from in the last few years, here’s something back. The 5-part, 11,000 word, 28-page Ultra Mobile Computing Buyers Guide as a single re-flowable PDF file.
Click the image to download the PDF. (850kB)
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I don’t understand the need for all these buying guide articles to wade through.
Make a simple no BS no fluff FAQ that has branched links to the devices that fit whatever “Buyer X” wants in size, price, and specs.
…and make it short. :)
Nice job. This must have taken a long to write and edit over the years. I do think the battery section could be edited a bit the next time you published. Adding predictions for the 5 year period you include doesn’t add value for the reader (maybe that belongs more of interesting facts and tidbits in the history section). Regardless, the guide is unique.
Great job !
Highlighting the Mobile Computing Buyers Guide free pdf.