Aigo P8895 MID. Black with 3G. available late Dec.

Posted on 02 December 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

The P8895 version of the Aigo MID with the 3mp cam, black styling and built-in 3G is coming.

Mobilx just pinged me to say it’s up on their website and they expect to be able to ship on the 19th of December. The price is 684 Euros (570 before tax.) On one hand (that would be the hand you want the Nokia N97 in!) its expensive and large but on the other hand, there’s no competition if you want pro-level web. I will try and get one for testing ASAP.

Update: The model number changed. It is now the P8888W. The W is for ‘World’ and it contains an Option GTM 378 GSM, GPRS, UMTS, HSDPA modem. (PDF)

Full specs are now in the database.

View all the Compal MID variants.

42 Comments For This Post

  1. alfa says:

    Nokia N97 is nice, of course, but in the first hand it’s better to have HTC Touch HD, isn’t it?

  2. chippy says:

    Could be! Whatever tickles your fancy ;-)

  3. alfa says:

    Your words: “800*480 is needed for full web productivity”. HTC Touch HD (or HTC MAX 4G as it is called in Russia because of WiMAX instead of 3G) has 800*480, and Nokia doesn’t.

  4. chippy says:

    Yup. 800×480 is needed for full web productivity. Around 200 DPI would be nice too (4.8″ screen)

    I bet that won’t stop millions desiring the N97 though!


  5. alfa says:

    Now about the second hand :-). I have a question on this item too. What’s the reason of buying AIGO P8895 for 684 euro if Gigabyte M528 costs $685 in Expansys?

  6. chippy says:

    Theres still a question over availability of the M528 but if you can find it, its almost exactly the same device (s/w unknown) for less money.


  7. alfa says:

    WITH taxes M528 costs 613 euro ($780) in Expansys.

  8. Nehalem says:

    Just wondering, does the Atom 800MHz in that device has integrated graphics (GMA 950) ? Could it possibly be possible to play little games such as World Of Warcraft or Counterstrike with Windows XP installed on it ? Any way to add ram or upgrade the ssd ? Will it possibly be avaible at Dynamism or Conics ?

    Thanks !

  9. chippy says:

    It has the less powerful gma500.
    This is not a general purpose pc games machine although i dare say you could write some excellent games for it.

  10. alfa says:

    Chippy, thank you for the link to the hardware mod of the Aigo MID (adding 3G module). Do you think, will it be possible to add a WiMAX module into the Gigabyte m528 or any other Compal-based MID?

    i have USB-modem Samsung SWC-U200, that is 70x27x14 mm, 25 g

  11. Jenn says:

    Mmm. With the M528 being so evasive, especially in the US, this might be what I ask Santa for this year. Is it safe to assume that the SIM slot will accept an AT&T 3G card and deliver HSPDA speeds here? I can’t find any info on the support bands…

  12. fab says:

    the price is a joke!!! this is exactly the same device as the Alice Mobile MID Idol from TIM in Italy which costs just 449 euros and you even get a sim card. on mobilx the aigo p8888w – which is exactly this device like the Alice one, costs 684 euros. i wonder who wants to spend 240 euros more for…what exactly? in italy the device will be out soon.

  13. Austin says:

    The Alice Mobile MID (or the other Compal device that was released for Italy) doesn’t have NAM 3G bands, as far as I know.

    Currently there are no device (except for this, HOPEFULLY) that has NAM 3G bands: 850 & 1900 for AT&T and 2100 AWS for tmobile.

    Assuming that this is the case, then I’d say they are likely to get a premium because there’s simply no competition.

    I am eagerly waiting for a device in this form factor, WITH AT&T 3G bands.

  14. fab says:

    and you’re willing to pay nearly 250 euros for those bands? here’s the original link of the “manufacturer”. maybe you contact them to ask the exact specs for the supported bands:

  15. Austin says:

    For me personally, it’s not really a question of “do I want to pay an extra 250 euros for those bands?”, it’s more of a question of “Is the device worth anything at all to me w/o those 3G bands?”.

    The answer to the 2nd question would be a definite no. I’m not buying a UMPC/MID/whatever you want to call it w/o a fully working 3G band. Regardless of what other features it may have.

    The one thing that having the iPhone 3G has taught me is that having a go anywhere (practically speaking, in USA) “full web” feature is really important for me. I’ve come to really appreciate that. The problem with iPhone is that Safari browser isn’t stable enough (it crashes quite often when viewing full webpages, and i mean pretty standard sites like, it doesn’t have flash.

    Personally, the perfect device for me for me would be the following:

    1) OSX running Firefox
    2) w/ iPhone multi-touch (and I don’t want the quasi multi-touch such as TouchFlo, etc)
    3) keyboard
    4) in a Compal form-factor.
    5) Quad GSM & US 3G

    I’d be willing to shell out 1-2K euros for it. But since Mr. Steve won’t release that kind of device anytime soon, the next to perfect device is the Compal styled devices w/ a 3G chip.

    sorry for the long post and perhaps off topic discussion, but I thought I’d explain my rationale for the “pay nearly 250 euros for those bands” question.

  16. alfa says:

    Is the OQO OK for you or its too heavy (0,5 kg)?

  17. Austin says:

    OQO is no good for the following reasons:

    1) where’s the 850 3G bands??

    2) too heavy.

    3) no atom processor (i’d deal w/ Via’s newest processor, but I don’t think it has that). I’ve heard people that use it complain about the sluggishness AND that it overheats.

    4) for a device that doesn’t have the iphone multitouch UI and osX backend, I think it’s too expensive for what it offers.

    I’d say that 1 & 3 are deal brekers. for that kind of money, I expect MUCH more as I mentioned in #4.

  18. aaivies says:

    normally the GTM501 3G-module should be in all the compal-mids supporting 3G and that module supports the 850, 1900 and 2100 MHz-bands:

  19. zak says:

    do they deliver to the uk?

  20. Marc G says:


  21. Marc G says:

    If you are talking about Mobilx.

  22. zxz says:

    anyone know if this device is the same as the M528 ? (except OS)

    does it have gps and the 3mp cam on the back ?

  23. chippy says:

    Yup. COnfirmed

  24. saperalot says:

    aaah that color is much better i like that device very much cant whait to get it

  25. alfa says:

    Sorry to repeat the question, but what’s your opinion, will it be possible the hardware mod – to put the wimax module in it?

  26. alfa says:

    And the one more question is it possible to install Windows Mobile on it (because the services of our WiMAX network (Yota) are available through WM programs)?

  27. chippy says:

    Windows Mobile not possible on this one. Sorry.

  28. nomax says:

    About the Alice Mobile MID Idol: Would this variant be ok tu use in germany with a 3G card from vodafone, o2 or t-mobile? Dows the shop ship to germany? Thanks for clarification.

    Chippy: What about battery life?


  29. fab says:

    I asked TIM about the Alice MID Idol. There’s no official availability date yet, though the other MID in their shop is the Benq S6 which had quite a price drop down to EUR 299. This means something is going on. I suppose around christmas or after christmas the MID Idol should be available..the price is 449 on their website and that’s why i think they dropped the price of the Benq – why would they sell both at nearly the same price while the Benq clearly has less/lower specs.

    Concerning 3G etc, this should work perfectly and without problems in Germany as well. It’s an unlocked device and you can insert any sim card, compatibles ones of course :-)

    i don’t know if it can be sent to germany though. I asked TIM, but no answer there. I will ask again when it’s available.


  30. admin says:

    the benq is 299 now?


  31. admin says:

    its ok. I confirmed it. Have posted news about it.
    Thanks Fab

  32. fab says:

    yeah, i also posted a forum news thread. good price!

  33. Gold says:

    Hi there I like your post “895 MID. Black with 3G. available late Dec. | UMPCPortal – The Mobile Internet and Computing Reference Site” so well that I like to ask you whether I should translate and linking back. Please give me an answer. Your Gold

  34. Prince says:

    Does anyone know if TIM delivers to USA?? and will IDOL internet be usable without simcard? ie. Bluetooth tethering to mobile, or simple Wifi.

  35. baap says:

    Mobilx just updated its site about the availability of the Aigo P8888W – its in STOCK and READY to ship!

    /\ \/

  36. Tim says:

    I’m new here and new to researching products like this one. Sorry if this is a dumb question.

    How can I tell if a product like this would work on AT&T’s networks in the US? Also, I can’t find this product on I just think that’s interesting, since a lot of suppliers there are claiming to have the Nokia N97.

  37. Silber kaufen says:

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  41. bearshare za darmo says:

    i got this thing :)

  42. instalki says:

    realy ?:>

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