MiFi. Handheld mobile 3G router from Novatel coming in 2009.

Posted on 09 December 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

mifi We’ve been waiting for this ever since we got a whisper from a reseller that it was being developed and the reason is that it could be a significant product for many carriers and a great product for mobile computing types.  The Mifi handheld 3G router is battery powered and allows you to connect to a mobile 3G connection and then share that out via WiFi.

The press release has some interesting content. Take this for example: “an intelligent, open platform capable of hosting advanced software applications and flexible enough to address the continued evolution of mobile broadband.”  According to our sources, that means it will be able to host landing pages, implement filtering and even tailored solutions like per-mac bandwidth capping. If Nortel have though about this they will have provided the ability for business users to implement simple charging via a gateway.

If well controlled, it will be a great new product for carriers but if it’s sold unlocked with an open SIM slot, there could be all sorts of problems for carriers. Loading an unlimited 3G connection with 10’s of users is going to be a killer for the already loaded 3G backhauls.

The built in battery is good for four hours of use and it’s scheduled for release in Q1 2009.

Press release

Via JKOnTheRun

7 Comments For This Post

  1. Jenn says:

    Interesting alternative to the CradlePoint PHS300 (http://cradlepoint.com/phs300/phs300.php). I have the CTR500, which isn’t battery-powered like the PHS but has an ExpressCard slot and ethernet jack in addition to the USB port, and often think about getting the PHS just for the mobility.

  2. Joao Oliveira says:


    Just didn’t understand if this has an internal modem or not of if just router?

    Any ideas of price? knowing novatel i’m guessing it wont be that cheap :)


  3. mikey says:

    @Joao its both

    Where do I sign?, mobile broadband has become very cheap in Australia and now companies are offering prepaid where the part you dont use rolls over.

  4. John says:

    Will it have an AT&T version? A T-Mobile USA version?

    I figured Cradlepoint was going to do one of these at some point (it kind of makes some sense). Interesting that someone beat them to it.

    I’d buy one if it came to the US.

  5. zxz says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

  6. vikas says:

    hi all, i would like to know if this device works in India and compatible with 3g network here. i look forward for a reply as soon as possible as i would miss an opportunity to bring it here..
    thank you,

  7. Adam Heglund says:

    I wanted to say this blog is in my favorite blog list on #46.

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