Samsung SWD-M100 MID. Uber-Smartphone or PocketPC?

Posted on 17 February 2009, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

Update 01/04/09 : Officially launched as the Samsung Mondi

A surprise from Samsung at their Mobile World Congress WiMax display. The SWD-M100 MID running Windows Mobile indicating that they’ve chosen an ARM processor for the system. The fact that Opera is also highlighted tells us that this one is more than a prototype. I suspect it’s not a voice device based on the ‘MID’ tagging but there’s no technical reason that it can’t support voice.


  • 4.3 inch touchscreen
  • Wimax, Wifi and Bluetooth
  • Dual cams ( 3M + 0.3M pixels )
  • Micro SD
  • TV out
  • Windows Mobile 6.1 with Opera web browser

The info comes from a brief post at Ubergizmo. (More images available there.)

If this little baby has a decent processor in it (Remember Samsung make their own processors and are licensees for ARM11, Cortex A8 and A9 architectures – the Cortex A8 makes a lot of sense here.) then we could be looking at one of the most powerful windows mobile devices ever and, finally, a viable mobile internet solution with the Opera 9.5 browser.

Via JKKMobile

18 Comments For This Post

  1. Tony says:

    looks like something that the N900 will blow out of the water.

  2. Wishmaster says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it was based on snapdragon.
    Samsung was rumoured to use it and m100 suits the description given by qcom for snapdragon based device. It even resembles the inventec prototype.

  3. UMPCMAN says:

    I wonder whether the 4.3″ screen and added processing power make this a worthwhile upgrade for an iPaq 210/4700 user like myself. I’m not sure it is for the hundreds and hundreds that it will cost.

    Conversely, I wonder whether this will be a worthy purchase for an Archos 5 user (the Archos has a 5″ screen and decent video abilities and decent form factor). The only appeal there is that we would not longer be tied down to the very limited software the Archos provides.

    With regard to the N900 mentioned above, speaking as an N800 owner, and based on past history (promises, delivery, outcome) I’d take a Samsung product in this category over a Nokia product.

    And as a Winmobile user for 4 years, I’d prefer it and its massive software library over Nokia’s interface offerings and erratic software options. I don’t know why all the hate for WinMo. 6.1 works great on my old HX4700. No hassles, every software I want or need available for free or a few bucks.

    I liked the N800 form factor, but little else unfortunately.

    s there any hard info out there on the mythical N900? Will they finally put together something with sufficient processing power?

  4. AchipA says:

    The mythical N900 has a TI OMAP3430 inside, which means a 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8 + PowerVR SGX 530 GPU at 430MHz. I really can’t tell if that’s sufficient power for you.

  5. Terian says:

    no matter how cool the hardware design is, ARM + WinMo = PASS

    put Atom + XP/7 and then we will start talking

  6. fraglez says:

    Agree! Windows Mobile sucks!

  7. AchipA says:

    Atom + XP/7 would be fun in this form factor. Well, at least 10 minutes of 700$ fun until you run out of batteries or your eyes fall out.

  8. John says:

    Will it run Android?

    Will it run Maemo?

    Will it run Ubuntu-ARM?

    (doesn’t it look like an N810 clone?)

  9. ZSX says:

    “I suspect it’s not a voice device based on the ‘MID’ tagging but there’s no technical reason that it can’t support voice.”

    One of the photos suggests it is running WinMo 6.1 Classic. This is the version of the OS with the phone components stripped out. That said, Skype and other VoIP services should be fine.

  10. fab says:

    …sorry to bother..but…windows mobile 6.1…again?

    this limited OS is not the first choice for smartphones, why would i even consider it as a MID…

  11. John in Norway says:

    If they sell it for the same price as the Nokia N810 I’d buy one straight away. At least you can have Office compatible software on it.

  12. Christian Kurz says:

    WM6.1 is a great smartphone os and the OS which comes closest to what i need in my pocket. The problem is, that i also want a real PC in my pocket wich means i want to use any XP application. Thats why wm6.1 is not enough. Make an XP-Based WM7 which can run any XP application and still is as suitable for touchscreen use, instant on and the other things you need in a smartphone and we will be talking.

  13. AchipA says:

    There might actually be a reason why XP (and regular windows applications) are not available on PDA’s.

  14. Chippy says:

    Personally, i like it. If it’s going to return 5-6 hours online battery life, be smaller and lighter than a Compal MID, possible upgrade to 6.5, intelligent, predictive text input (on-screen and on keyboard) , be cheaper than an XP-based MID, offer a remote desktop client, take less memory and flash and beat the pants of any smartphone out there and even come close to FIE then, it’s got to be worth considering right?

    I like XP and I prefer XP but if an XP device that’s bigger and heavier is only going to give me 2hrs battery life then i’ll be happy with something that’s 80% as fast and still able to work with towards the end of the day. With Opera 9.5, Fennec and many other browser solutions out there for WM including useful time and money-saving web tools like Opera Mini through the proxy service, it just has to be considered. I guess it all depends on what’s available at the time this hits the market.


  15. Christian Kurz says:

    I think the point where Windows mobile really makes sense is like its been implented with “Snap-Vue” in the HTC Shift.
    That way you got long runtime and many functions avaible on the go and if you really need an XP application you just switch the OS.

  16. Rial says:

    Nice product, but the question are they supported by HSDPA for internet connection?

  17. Fraggler says:

    I must say that this looks EXTREMELY cool. I have been making due with a Dell Axim x50v for 4 years or so as my mobile device. I use it for the usual contact/calendar/task organizer, and I have used it to watch movies and listen to music. Oh, and it has been my GPS unit for the past 2 years. I love it. However, it seems to be getting slower, the battery life is pretty mediocre, and the screen and lack of decent controls are starting to wear on me. I love playing emulators and the Dell, while it can run them, has no adequate control scheme. This device, particularly with the cursorpad on the left hand side, makes this a perfect little device. I have been wanting a UMPC for several years now to do everything my Axim does, but with greater flexibility, control, and connectivity. I still haven’t found the ultimate device, but this looks like it could be it.

    Do we know if it has a USB host port or capability? That is essential for me, as I sometimes stay in hotels with only wired ethernet and would need the ability to plug in an adapter (don’t really want to drop money on a portable router). I look forward to seeing this develop.

  18. Chippy says:

    Update: More information, links, videos etc now in the product database.

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