Clarion MiND CarPC/MID for the European Market. video, info.

Posted on 04 March 2009, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

Two version of the Clarion MiND will be launched in Europe with the first planned for March 2009. Expect to see the same version as we tested over at MIDMoves [Video Overview] but with the addition of a DVB-T receiver for high-speed soap-watching. (Get it now before they ban it!!)

Recommended pricing has been set at a steep 799 Euro but remember, this is more than just a navigation system, it’s a complete car entertainment PC with Video, TV, Email, Web Browser and Clarion portal integration. A 3G version is planned for summer 2009.

Here’s a presentation video from the Clarion booth at CeBIT.

More information and news links in the Clarion MiND page.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    Clarion MiND CarPC/MID for the European Market. video, info.

  2. suchus says:

    Just arrived back home from CeBIT.
    I’ve also tried the Clarion MIND. It looks cheap (Design), and besides the main menu I also found it to be not very responsive (other menus and buttons). 799 Euro sounds possibly not too bad if you’re looking just at the specs. But after I had the MIND in my hands, I would say 200-250 Euro would have been an appropriate price, but 799 is really ridiculous.
    Don’t know I the Clarion guys haven’t seen the Viliv S5 or the Umid? I guess they won’t sell too many of these devices.

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