Mystery of the Lenovo VAIO P competitor: solved

Posted on 16 March 2009, Last updated on 12 November 2019 by

lenovovaiop It is pretty amazing how well some people can draw up concepts for the future. Engadget is reporting that the mysterious VAIO P-like computer, that we showed you a few days ago, is in fact a two year old concept design.

Pretty cool to think that Lenovo came up with this concept two years ago; recent leaks of the image had people assuming that Lenovo was going to try to move into the VAIO P [Portal page] space with their own premium device. Unfortunately, it looks like at this point the Lenovo ‘Pocket Yoga’ ultra mobile PC is not going to become a reality.

lenovovaiopfold Reality aside; this is a pretty cool looking computer. It definitely uses a form factor that is similar to that of the VAIO P, and some images show the screen folding all the way back, through the use of a double hinge piece, to be used as a tablet style device.

For the record, James Kendrick of JkOnTheRun pointed out that the Yoga concept has been seen before from Lenovo, citing a 2005 press release and an award that went to the design. It seems like the Pocket Yoga concept was a variation of the one seen in 2005. Why didn’t Lenovo show this concept like they did with the full sized Yoga concept? Maybe the world wasn’t ready. However, with the quick adoption of tiny netbooks today, maybe Lenovo would be wise to start looking into their Pocket Yoga concept once again. Maybe it would make for a good Moorestown based device?

Head to Engadget to see a few more images of the Lenovo Pocket Yoga in the gallery.

10 Comments For This Post

  1. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    Mystery of the Lenovo VAIO P competitor solved

  2. EC says:

    Back to the future huh? :)

  3. Ben says:

    Ah, nice one.

  4. John says:

    I posted about that one over on the Internet Tablet Talk forums, along with the Moorestown X concept from here… They all seem to love the Pocket Yoga. Put Maemo on it, and it’d probably sell like hot cakes.

  5. Chuck says:

    Put anything on it, and it’d sell like hotcakes! I want!

  6. Ben says:

    As much as I loved the N810’s hardware, the software was not ready for general consumption. We’ll see is Maemo 5 has a good enough GUI vision to make it adaptable to the average consumer.

  7. fab says:

    you can now install jaunty 9.04 ubuntu on the nokia tablet n8xx..

  8. EC says:

    I agree on the N810 but not really being very nice OS yet, I’ve seen the pics of UBUNTU on the N810 but have yet to see video

  9. Al says:

    I think the Lenovo and the Sony P are good concepts but not the ideal size. It should be more like 4.25″ x 7.5″ x 1″ or less in height; the reason is that dimension would easily fit in any inside jacket pocket. The Sony P and the Lenovo are just a bit too large to do that very well and that will eliminate many from buying it. There is a huge need for a pocket laptop but it needs to fit in that one large inside pocket dimension and provide a good touch type keyboard. If Psion 5mx could do so with a keyboard 3.6″ x 6.9″ a 4.25″ x 7.5″ keyboard would be a dream to type on!

  10. Edward Silvera says:

    cool computer—andrew came!

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