Turbo-Enabled Opera 10 Preview Available

Posted on 27 March 2009, Last updated on 12 November 2019 by

I love the community we have here.  Just 60 minutes after posting about Opera Mobile 9.7 and mentioning that it would be interesting to have a desktop version with Turbo, Hrundik drops a comment in to say “Opera Turbo preview for desktop is already available.”

And sure enough, there it is in Opera Labs for Windows, Mac and Linux.

ultra mobile PC users, this is something you have to have in your toolkit. Turbo Mode is going to save you bandwidth (if you’re on a restricted data plan) and speed up your browsing (if you’re on a slower connection.) I think it’s also going to reduce the CPU usage on rendering pages as the ‘Turbo’ servers do most of the work.

I’m off to do some testing. If you’ve already discovered Turbo-enabled Opera 10 preview, let us know how your testing went.

16 Comments For This Post

  1. fixup says:

    I’ve been using the Turbo 10 for a week now. No way back to FireFox. I never liked FF3 and had been staying with FF2. The fit-to-width feature is a must for a 800×480 screen like my OQO. CSS based flash blocker works much better than javascript based blocker, so now I can disable javascript as default and still be able to block the damn flash.

    If you did not like Opera 9, don’t make an assumption about 10. The 9 is garbage, terribly slow. The 10 is nothing like the 9 and is the best browser currently available. Fully featured (e.g. auto spelling check like FF), stable and fast.

  2. comscier says:

    i only liked firefox…
    simply because it has a adblocker plugin…

  3. fixup says:

    After flash blocking and disabling animation in Opera 10, I don’t feel any need of ad blocker, because it is already very clean. Of course, 10 does let you block ad.

  4. mmp-7 says:

    Agree, The only reason I am still using firefox is grab and drag.

  5. Marc says:

    Before I try struggle to install a Linux version on my M528, is there any drag scrolling in this?

    Like mmp-7 I use FireFox for grab and drag which is essential on this device.

  6. Alex says:

    I’ve been using this on my U820 since the day it came out and it’s generally quite good and definitely speeds up things when you’re on a poor 3G signal or GPRS. Stability isn’t as great yet as on the standard version but it’s an early alpha so considering that I quite like it.
    There is a grab and scroll option when you go to opera:config and look for Scroll Is Pan. It works quite well but I turned it off because I’ve found myself unable to copy and paste. All these things plus the default zoom (150% for me) and fit to width (both in Preferences – Web Pages) make Opera perfect for mobile use – no extensions needed.

  7. Bob Deloyd says:

    Yes the Opera Turbo is great for folks on Dialup like me, who are unable to get broadband where they live or can’t afford the expense. I visit a site that I love called Lifehacker.com which takes 8 or more minutes to load on FireFox, but with Opera it’s less than a minute! So I use two browsers now on my Dell Mini 9, and HP Mini Note 1000: FireFox for the addons, and Opera Turbo for them Band Hog websites like Lifehacker. I’ve been using Opera Turbo from the first day it became available!

  8. jpmatrix says:

    on my fujitsu u1010, opera 9.64 (in its portable version opera-usb.com) is definitely my favourite browser : it is fast even when opening multiple windows ;)
    by the way i installed latest IE8 and was very disappointed (it seems i’m not the only one disappointed on the internet ;)

    i’ll probably try the latest operaturbo, and i’ll wait for the windows mobile version too! by the way, even on windows mobile, opera mobile is also my favourite browser ;)

  9. EC says:

    I tried it on my DellBook Mini (OS X) and it felt a lot slower than my FF3 so I did some speed tests and indeed gave a lot slower results several times ..go figure.

  10. Bob Deloyd says:

    Opera Turbo for the desktop is made for “Slow Connections” like Dialup.If you have a fast broadband connect you ain’t going to notice it. Maybe that’s the problem your having? I’m on Dialup and it loads really fast!
    You got OS X running on the Mini 9! Too cool!!!

  11. EC says:

    Ok sorry about that.

    Oh yes there is a whole community “embracing” the Dell Mini due to it’s compatibility with OS X have a look: http://mydellmini.com/forum/mac-os-x-f23.html

  12. EC says:

    Let me specify that this is Dell Mini *9* that it is possible on, not 10 or 12. But yes I am really loving it though!

  13. Bob Deloyd says:

    Thanks EC!!!
    I’ll go and check the Dell Mini Forums link you provided.
    I have two Dell Mini 9’s and I’d like to try OS X on one.
    Dang fine Netbook!

  14. EC says:

    My pleasure, btw you will need at least 6-7GB for the install so if your Dell has 8GB SSD or more you’re ok. I started with a Super Talent 32GB and only the orig 512Mb ram and it ran just fine now I have RunCore 32GB and 2GB Ram, many things are faster than on my Mac Pro now :)

  15. Chippy says:

    Tip: ‘Delayed Script Execution’ is part of the ‘Turbo’ setup. You can enable this wihout the proxy servers being used.

  16. turbo xs says:

    UMPC users, this is something you have to have in your toolkit. Turbo Mode is going to save you bandwidth (if you’re on a restricted data plan) and speed up your browsing (if you’re on a slower connection.) I think it’s also going to reduce the CPU usage on rendering pages as the ‘Turbo’ servers do most of the work.

    I’m off to do some testing. If you’ve already discovered Turbo-enabled Opera 10 preview, let us know how your testing went.

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