Windows Mobile 7 ‘Chassis 1’ Hardware.

Posted on 13 May 2009, Last updated on 12 November 2019 by

mondi-right-thumb ZDnet posted some information about a rumored ‘Chassis 1′ specification for Windows 7 mobile phones yesterday and although it’s great to see, it looks like a list of the hardware that many of us in the ultra mobile PC and MID community have been been talking about for the last few years. It’s basically a list of currently available mobile technology and includes ARMV6+ processor, 800×480 multi-touch, 3MP cam, compass, accelerometer, light Sensor, high speed USB, BT2.1 and fast SSD. The other interesting spec is a screen size of 3.5 inch or more. 

ARMV6 is not exactly thrilling but the ‘+’ would indicate that Microsoft are going to build WM7 for the Cortex architecture meaning ARMv7 and high-end platforms like Snapdragon, Tegra and OMAP.

What we don’t know is what the software layer is going to be like and that’s arguably the most important element.

10 Comments For This Post

  1. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    New article: Windows Mobile 7 ‘Chassis 1’ Hardware.

  2. squirrel says:

    Tegra is high-end only because of 3D?

  3. Chippy says:

    No, Nvidia licensed ARMv7 too. High-end processor architechture.

  4. squirrel says:
    no products on cortex yet

  5. deriuqer says:

    Replace ARMV6+ with Atom (Moorestown) and Windows Mobile 7 with Windows 7 or I don’t care.


  6. tmarks11 says:

    I was excited at first (having missed the “Mobile” part of the OS title).

    I want a desktop OS, not a dumbed down OS. I lived with PPC and WM for too long. I don’t want a “desktop companion”, I want a stand-alone computer.

  7. turn_self_off says:

    I call bullshit. A os is a os. The real issue if what software thats available for the os.

    The winmob software have developed the way they have became if what hardware they most often live on, in the same way as the wintel ones have.

    There is no technical reason why i wintel program could not compiled for winmob and run on it, with a proper screen, keyboard and mouse attached. The big issues have been so far that the normal hardware winmob have been used on have been more about battery life then heavy lifting. Wintel on the other hand can push the hardware to the max 24/7 as long as its plugged to the mains.

  8. Patrick says:

    I currently have TyTn II and i like it (most of the time). Upgrading to Touch Pro2 this summer and getting my self Open Pandora as UMPC companion, and yea.. nice 11.6 inch Ion based netbook would be nice portable office companion.

    It’s kind of funny though having M$ WiMo in your pocket & using Linux as your desktop. :)

  9. Patrick says:


    “The application does not run on our 3G wireless network. Applications like this, which redirect a TV signal to a personal computer, are specifically prohibited under our terms of service. We consider smartphones like the iPhone to be personal computers in that they have the same hardware and software attributes as PCs.”

  10. andrew bogucki says:

    Your article is very useful. Can you please post some new-found information about this? take care

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