Dell’s Internet Device. No news.

Posted on 30 June 2009, Last updated on 12 November 2019 by

Clearly the person leaking the Dell MID information to the NYT has no idea what’s going on there and has probably just walked through one of the research labs at Dell and got a bit over-excited. I’m sure if you got to walk through Apple’s lab you’d see a few Google Android-based devices too.

‘Could be scrapped’ or ‘may begin selling the device later this year.’ That’s called ‘evaluation’ I believe.

‘Dell may use chips based on designed licensed from ARM Holdings PLC.’ Shock!

‘Dell has considered selling the product through cellular carriers’ Now there’s a new idea to consider!

Justin Scheck of the New York Times didn’t exactly get a ground-breaking factual story and yet it got to  #1 on Techmeme

Nokia, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, ASUS, Acer, Sony and many others will be doing exactly the same as Dell right now and evaluating the market for a non-voice Internet device using Android, Maemo and Moblin with ARM or Intel cores running HSPA or WiMAX technologies for Web, Navigation, Ebook, PMP and Gaming. Mobile Microblogging is a huge topic and the company that makes the first device to dovetail with this market stands to win a good lead. My money is on Nokia for Europe and Apple for US to be the first major players but because of the diversity of users, locations and applications, there’s an opportunity for many others out there.

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    New article: Dells Internet Device. No news.

  2. Nicholas Rayner says:

    @neerav @jendudley see this post by @chippy which contradicts the Dell MID

  3. Igor Fomichev says:

    Breaking News: Dells Internet Device. No news.: Justin Scheck of the New York Times didn’t exactly..

  4. Boit says:

    only “research labs” Dell has is a man in a suit on the phone talking to another man in a suit on the phone about acquiring an already existing product in a Taiwanese OEM & slapping the Dell logo on it.

  5. Chippy says:

    I feel sorry for the Dell engineers then. Don’t they get anything to play with ;-)

  6. TareX says:

    The Dell phone rumor began when someone long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, asked Michael Dell in an interview, “Considering the rapid growth of the smartphone market, will Dell venture into this space?”….. and Michael said an insignificant answer that was not “NO! NO! WILL WILL NEVER EVER MAKE A SMARTPHONE.”

    And since then, every time a Dell investor wants to boost up the Dell stock price, he’s bring up the “Dell phone” rumor.

    When Android made it to the headlines, we heard the even funnier rumor about Dell making an Android phone…..

    And the saga continues. I personally do not care if they make one themselves or buy one and put their logo in it. I just want a sexy hi-res Tegra Android smartphone with a qwerty…. FAST.

  7. Sinaâ„¢ says:

    i’m not interested about any non-windows pc mid/mid phones, pda phone, whatever… due to poor 3rd party apps & games.
    chippy, could you please redesign the products specs like this:
    only mid phones.

  8. Sinaâ„¢ says:

    new stuff:
    Inkia Reveals 5″ & 7″ OEM MID Models

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