There are those who thought this day would never come: Official US Asus Eee T91 launch date

Posted on 10 July 2009, Last updated on 12 November 2019 by

asuseeet91 Nothing like waiting months for an official announcement only to get two sentences through twitter! Oh well, I suppose this is as official as Asus will get for now. As you can see above, the Asus North America twitter account has tweeted to let us all know that the T91 [Portal page] will be available on July 15th in limited quantity. And I suppose that’s really all there is to it. Good luck securing one from the ‘limited quantity’. (Points for the video game allusion in the title)

via [Liliputing]

7 Comments For This Post

  1. Ben Lang says:

    New article: There are those who thought this day would never come: Official US Asus Eee T91 launch date

  2. passer-by says:

    battle with S7 of villiv?

  3. stellar says:

    battle with S7 of viliv? (2)

  4. Tsetse says:

    Who wants to buy this anyway?
    Take a gigabyte, be happy!

  5. Vit says:

    There were news on Engadget yestarday that T101H will come out in Augist/September. worth to wait. But the price for T91 is apealing. On the other hand, looking at spec’s, $200 premium for touch screen? Looks nutty.

  6. josef says:

    @tstse yep thats right, have one wont miss it :-)

    the t101 in august/september? dont think so, or they will bring a update to win 7 later. but anyway this device is over and over glossy, good looking on the table but not after work :-)

  7. Candice Dudley says:

    There are those who thought this day would never come: Official US…

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