N900 Outed in Proto Expose.

Posted on 19 August 2009, Last updated on 20 August 2009 by

Amazing. The Mobile-Review team out in Russia have had a prototype N900 for a while and because of the leaked information they have seen on it they have chosen to air some initial thoughts including device images and a ton of images about the OS. There’s a lot to analyse here. It’s a phone. It’s running Maemo 5. It’s looking like Nokia really is moving to Maemo as their high-end OS. I’m quite stunned that Maemo has come this far. Hats off to Nokia. I’m going to try and get myself down to Stuttgart for Nokia World now because clearly this is going to be on the agenda there in just a few weeks.


We’ve added all the specifications we could confirm from the article into a new N900 information page which we’ll be updating as new information comes in but for now, the best information is over at Mobile-Review.

As usual there’s a lively conversation over at Internet Tablet Talk. Your immediate thoughts are welcome in the comments below.

14 Comments For This Post

  1. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    New article: N900 Outed in Proto Expose. http://cli.gs/re1st

  2. icura says:

    Now this is more like it! All we need is a good price and a release date being soon.

  3. Chippy says:

    What would you say to 600 Euros and an October release?

  4. icura says:

    That sounds good. would 600 Euros include HSDPA? In that case, I can see myself owning one of these. :)

  5. Marc says:

    It’s essentially a Phone, so I would assume HSPDA is standard.

  6. johnkzin says:

    I heard Sept2 on ITT forums.

    There are 4 things I _wish_ it had (that I know it doesn’t):
    1) 5 row qwerty keyboard
    2) tilt screen
    3) 4.1″ screen
    4) the USB slot on one of the long sides, instead of the short side

    There are 3 things I _hope_ it has:
    1) Tethering … preferably via USB and Wifi, but also hopefully BT DUN and PAN
    2) Decent compatibility with full Google Apps (the tiny screen worries me about using full Google Reader on it, or even Gmail)
    3) TONS of battery life
    4) threaded SMS messages

    And I hope that eventually someone builds upon Ubuntu’s port of Dalvik … and ports it to Maemo.

  7. Marc says:

    It does seem a bit more interesting than a day ago.

    But I’m really going to have to wait until I can play with one in person to see if I find the size acceptable. It’s just not going to replace my phone, so do I need two phones? (as opposed to MID and phone)

  8. Kam says:

    I don’t care about Google apps compatibility. The only thing I use it for is the odd search so how the N900 integrates with google apps is not high on my agenda. I do however like the Maemo platform. I used the N800 for a while before getting a N810 but ultimately it wasn’t powerful enugh for my needs, as well as wanting to go for one single converged device.

    Now that the N900 has phone radio built in is the answer to my prayers. The fact that the screen size has decreased because of it is not a deal breaker for me. I recently played around with the Toshiba TG01 WinMo phone with 4.1″ screen & although quite thin, in all other dimensions it was way too big to be a phone.

  9. Holy Moses no more tablets? says:

    This is a mixed bag – I hope they follow the rumored Apple 2-for-1 and release a parallel 5-inch tablet. Nokia’s abandoning their valued Internet tablet tradition to compete with the iPhone. I guess we have the new Umid to look forward to.

  10. johnkzin says:

    There’s a pretty big rumor that Nokia is working on a netbook (substantiated by TONS of sources). If it’s a 10″ convertible tablet netbook, running Maemo, would be amazingly wonderful. There IS a second Nokia device in the pipeline (mentioned in the maemo 5 SDK), but no one knows if it’s a MID, a phone, a netbook, or what.

  11. dj.cicho says:

    Nokia could put Maemo5 on new Communicator device. E90 with little bit bigger screen and touch interface might be a proper bussiness tool.
    I did like my E90 but I didn’t like Symbian on it.

    What I have found latest is (stupid/clever?) tendency to bring to us best designed device. Why. for the last 10/15 years we had a lot of good, practical and usefull devices! Why not to put new hardware into old shapes?!

  12. Jonne says:

    Check out more at http://maemo.nokia.com/ seems to be recently updated.

  13. johnkzin says:


  14. Jessica Magert says:

    Cool device I must say, just don’t know about this love affair with resistive touch screens that Nokia has. Please stop!!

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