Unidentified Android MID

Posted on 13 August 2009, Last updated on 17 March 2023 by

Pocketables have been tipped-off on a slick looking, slate-style, MID-like device that could be running Android.


There really isnt much to go on here but I like the form factor at least. Give it some power under the hood and it should do quite a nice job with Android. If you have any info on this one, make sure you let us or Pocketables know in the comments.

What’s that you say? Next Apple Tablet? Give over!

More images at Pocketables:
Unidentified Android MID makes an appearance.

9 Comments For This Post

  1. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    New article: Unidentified Android MID http://cli.gs/pYpnY

  2. PJE says:

    Now that’s more like it…

    But I’d still probably go for the Apple Tablet device (if it is announced in September) due to the Larger App Store.

    Technology is progressing to the point that this type of device will become affordable to a larger proportion of the population, and the iPhone/iPod Touch has made people accept a device without a standard keyboard.

    At least it will keep Apple honest with their Tablet pricing.

  3. Josef says:

    Hmm for my look it can be a Archos Device. Apple? No way.

  4. Nick Doucet says:

    I was just going to say an Archos Device…they are supposed to have more info about that in September, why not leak it out early! :P

  5. lintweaker says:

    Finally the tablet of my dreams…but alas only a prototype it seems…back to wait-for-perfect-tablet hibernation mode…

  6. tam123 says:

    right with josef and nick there,its the spitting image of an archos 7.

  7. pansapiens says:

    Just a cheap Chinese Rockchip media player. Ramos T11 ihas been hacked to run android, so the potential is certainly there. Can’t see hardware bottons needed for android, so I would guess that this too is hacked, rather than android native. All noise, no substance.

  8. tal says:

    Its the new Archos 5″.

  9. Ed says:


    Any proof its the new Archos Android?

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