Booklet: €579. N900: €500. Pre or Post tax prices?

Posted on 02 September 2009, Last updated on 12 November 2019 by

27173655 No word on availability of the booklet or N900 from the Nokia keynote but a couple of prices:

Booklet: 579 Euros

N900: 500 Euros.

The question is, are these pre-tax prices because the N900 is still available for 599 Euros (503 pre tax)

Update: Three responses on Twitter suggest that Nokia normal quote pre-tax prices.

If tax needs to be added to the Booklet you are looking at 689 Euros fro the Booklet in Germany. Bzzzzzzt!

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Marc says:

    N900. 500 inc tax and I probably would have got one to play with despite knowing the screen is too small for me. 500 plus tax will probably scare me off.

    The Archos android tablet is looking the more likely a purchase now.

  2. Marc says:

    £499 inc tax in the UK. So 599 Euros will be the price. Suggesting the high price for the netbook…

  3. Chippy says:

    It’s almost 100% confirmed that these are both pre-tax prices now. Oh dear!

  4. Tsetse says:

    where’s the prob?
    good bargain compared to iphone!!!

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