Nokia Booklet 3G. Pics, Hands-on Reports

Posted on 02 September 2009, Last updated on 02 September 2009 by

The first hands-on reports are coming through from Nokia World. I’ll update as we go through the day. Make sure you check the Booklet 3G links stream too.

“It feels and looks like a lighter, smaller version of Apple Macbook inch says Mark Guim of The Nokia Blog.


He likes the keyboard but here’s the first warning sign on the performance. “I noticed some performance issues. inch

More pics at The Nokia Blog.

Image gallery at Slashgear. Chris Davies has posted a nice set of images and a brief hands-on.


Images are also appearing in Flickr so check that out as the day goes on.

The first hands-on video is also in…


16:20. NokiaUsers has a first-impressions article on the Booklet although they don’t seem to understand that battery capacity is not based on mah alone. This is a 14v battery pack, not a single-cell smartphone battery at 3.7v. No indication of performance or usability either.

10 Comments For This Post

  1. DwaynePhillips says:

    The Nokia Booklet 3G.

  2. focus says:

    This is an ordinary,very expensive,netbook,that`s all.

  3. Vit says:

    It looks like a nice device, but… I wouldn’t consider anything in such a small package without a touch screen. i believe that mobile device should be more versitile in use, and touch screen gives it that advantage. But that’s just me.

  4. a-non-e-mouse says:

    They sacrificed the touch screen and used better-than-average parts in the construction. Interesting, but since most people look at the price first, probably won’t work.

  5. coolman911 says:

    分享 Nokia Booklet 3G 現身 (

  6. mikey says:

    3g modems are expensive, so this looks like a great buy, with battery life and windows 7, it looks a clear winner subject to reviews for me anyway.

  7. NobbyNobbs says:

    I`m not the least bit excited about this netbook. Not one extraordinary feature.
    The pricing is also disappointing.

  8. vitvip says:

    I just wonder why it *looks* so thick vs. Gigabyte S1024 being actually (according to the specs) 1 mm thinner with a bigger footprint…

  9. Nokia Video Reviews says:

    I just love nokia products, they are very innovative.

  10. Ric says:

    I want one. Where can I get NOKIA 3g Booklet at?

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