New Fujitsu UMPC adds Multitouch, Reduces Weight. (Updated: Price, full specs)

Posted on 03 December 2009, Last updated on 17 March 2023 by

Fujitsu have produced, in my opinion, some of the best Ultra Mobile PCs on the market. They focus exactly where they should do. That means high-quality components, usability in multiple scenarios and, of course, productivity.

It looks like the UH900, just announced in a Thai press release, keeps the same focus. My Runcore-upgraded U820 might have just met some serious serious competition.


Lots to analyse on this one, when I get the full specs. I’ve added everything that I can find to the product database. Highlights include multi-touch screen, wider layout, 3.5G, stereo mic, and a button that can ‘extend’ the battery life up to 3hrs. I guess that’s simply locking it down to 800Mhz. We’ll see when we get hands on.

Update: Full specs and a price have appeared….

jkkmobile: Meet Fujitsu LifeBook UH900, 5.6 incher UMPC. (Via Netbooked)

39 Comments For This Post

  1. Sabin says:

    RT @chippy: New article: New Fujitsu UMPC adds Multitouch, Reduces Weight.

  2. ゲンジンアロ says:

    RT @chippy New article: New Fujitsu UMPC adds Multitouch, Reduces Weight.

  3. kornel says:

    wait. it extends it for 3 additional hours, or just extends total to 3 hours? :S

  4. Patrick says:

    “and a button that can ‘extend’ the battery life –up to– 3hrs”

  5. Velik says:

    per jkk:
    13Wh battery .. they say 3 hours.. they also said with power saving it could be up to 6 hours…. maybe running at 800Mz??

  6. Velik says:

    FINALLY! something with the 1.6 + gma500… but $1,400 ouch. Also, what is the battery life when its not 3hrs? It does look fairy sleek though, im assuming those icons on the side of the monitor do something?

  7. okl says:

    here with photos:

  8. Chippy says:

    And some more from JKK.

  9. Jerry Fahrni says:

    RT @chippy: New article: New Fujitsu UMPC adds Multitouch, Reduces Weight.

  10. Fred says:

    Axiotron Modbook is working in what they call Synergy Touch. It consists on some sensors placed around the screen that when pressed bring up some functions to the screen such as a keyboard and others. Maybe those icons around the fujutsu replace hard buttons.

    I wonder when we will see a major break through in the battery arena. May be then we will see this devise with a 7 inch screen. There is enough space there.

  11. 人体艺术图片 says:


  12. Alex says:

    Comparing this to my U820 (3G/120GB HDD):
    + slightly lighter (90g)
    + less depth (28mm less – this is often the dimension which makes it less pocketable) and thinner
    + 1 extra GB of RAM (can usually live with 1GB under Win7)
    + SSD but lower capacity (can be refitted)
    + Win7 factory installed (easy to do yourself)
    + multitouch (don’t use the touchscreen much)
    + stereo mic (on such a small device does it really matter?)
    + extra USB (haven’t needed more than one at a time)
    + display (if it really turns out to be better in sunlight)
    + wider keyboard
    – no tablet/portrait mode (even though I don’t use it much it’s great for occasional one handed use)
    – wider (less pocketable)
    – no GPS (again I don’t use it much but for a device that does everything it’s nice to have. If it uses a Sierra WWAN module it may be available via a firmware upgrade)
    – no price drop
    – no CF slot (don’t care about this)
    – how would an extended battery look like – probably ugly (I use both slim and extended on mine depending on my needs)
    – no fingerprint reader (this is very handy to keep the PC secure outside as it’s quicker to log back in rather than via password)

    Looking at it today I’d probably buy the U820 over this one: the U820 is slightly more fully featured and I like the ability to rotate the screen into tablet/portrait mode but it’s a close call.

  13. deriuqer says:

    Look,it’s a manly VAIO P.Funny how all companys are scared to pruduce devices that are thicker than others.Just add 5 or 10mm at the bottom and you can easily fit 2 more battery blocks,this would work on most devices out there.But hey,if its thicker than a bar of chocolate it may not be bought.


    Fuji rocks but battery life and price kills this,also I’d prefer slider.

  14. fixup says:

    I AM happy to see the drop of stupid, ugly and pointless of tablet, a good move up from U820 and 810.

    This might be that something between UMID M1 and Sony P, which I’ve been waiting for. Only wish it had a 7″ and 6hr battery life.

  15. Velik says:

    i would say pointless would be arguing the market share tablets have due to demand caused by ppl like me who have different, more focused, and generally better needs than you have.

  16. jcddvm says:

    My U820 is still brand new, still getting broken in, and look at what Fujitsu does! :-)

    Seriously, I would not have been interested in the U820 if it had been a clamshell design, so I’m not very disappointed that I no longer have “the latest and greatest” version available.

  17. Fred says:

    I use my U820 in tablet and clamshell modes. For work I have sometimes to draw (sketch) and/or hand write. I also use the tablet mode for web surfing and video playback.
    Rotating screens are impractical. They require 3 steps to convert to tablet mode. I get annoyed by that when I have to finish something quick and I have to go back and forth several times. They also add depth and weight to the devise. They are ugly. I prefer a mechanism like the HTC Shift or Eking S515.
    My perfect devise would: Slide and tilt to open like the Eking and while opened have the option to close like a clamshell (like this Fujitsu UH900). That will help to protect the screen too. Is having both worlds too much to ask?
    In the other hand the use of tablet mode will not be optimal until they include Palm Rejection capability to the touch screen (capacitive touch screen). I like the Lenovo X200 tablet multi-touch with palm rejection or dual input (they use N-Tring for that I believe). The problem with the X200 is the size.

  18. jcddvm says:

    I can’t believe you’d have any trouble keeping your palms off this tiny 5.6″ screen. That’s not a problem for me, and I have little hands.

  19. Another guy says:

    $1400??? no way! UMD M2 all the way!

  20. focus says:

    If this is good then how it was everun note?And look where they ended!

  21. Velik says:

    It doesn’t matter, comparable devices will come along the way, and 2 or 3 of them will hit the target

  22. Energy Doctor says:

    New Fujitsu UMPC adds Multitouch, Reduces Weight. (Updated: Price …

  23. yves says:

    Interesting specs (except the battery!), but a little too large and too heavy to be really pocketable. And much too expensive to compete with the UMID M2!

  24. にわとり says:

    おおー!これはけっこうよさそう。 #WEB New Fujitsu UMPC adds Multitouch, Reduces Weight.

  25. xemone says:

    Yeah . . . . everything but the price. I’ll stick with the U820 for now.

  26. jackynews says:

    I am from HK~
    it look really nice, u820 is a bit heavier than I think. uH900 is good, half the weight.

    (US$ 1 = HK$7.8)

    In fact,


    I understand why they set this price. U820 + New + 3.5G = HK$10000 + 2000 +1500 = HK$13XXX

    If Netbook never exist in the market, the price will be acceptable. However, it is not…Obviously, Fuji target old customer who buy U820 b4.

    ^^anyone know the cost of this device? Their marketing…don’t even do a research before they release…?

    I think, it can be successful under these situations

    – Down to HK$8000
    – Its 3.5 component can support voice call (phone)
    – Cooperate with mobile service provider
    – battery up to 6 hrs (3.5g use)

    If not, it all depend on sales force and the brand power…it still don’t worth HK$ 13000

  27. Andy C says:

    Hi Jacky i m from hk too, but i guess you will be hard to find this sort of thing in HK. Unless we goto SInDat in Mk but get ripped off. There are so many china brand umpc that does pretty much the same thing and at a fraction of a cost. why spend that much for this… lol

  28. yuki says:

    いいなぁ… >

  29. さかむけさん says:

    Fのですか・・・ 欲しいねぃ。 RT @yukinori_t: いいなぁ… >

  30. sak says:

    ジーンズのバックポケットに入るかなぁ… RT @RBU6000: Fのですか・・・ 欲しいねぃ。 RT @yukinori_t: いいなぁ… >

  31. Muliadi Jeo says:

    New Fujitsu UMPC adds multi-touch, clamp shell style and light weight, but at $1500 I think it is a tough sell –

  32. Fred says:

    Why Vaio P, Viliv S7, Fujitsu UH900 – Their marketing material seem to be targeting women more than men?

  33. Vakeros says:

    Maybe because they realise it is something women might buy.

  34. Tal says:

    And as always – NO GPS?!
    how can u be mobile without a GPS?

  35. DavidC1 says:

    These Japanese manufacturers still don’t get that prices have to be under $1000 for a packed feature version to be at least a little bit viable.

    It’s direct competition is still Netbooks, except in the eyes of the people who want pocket PC at all cost. Plus the battery life is hideous.

  36. xemone says:

    This is probably the biggest reason why these MIDs and UMPCs haven’t really picked up so far; especially in sales.

    Guaranteed ARM SoCs and Intel’s Atom chipsets are quite different, the Atom chip is a full blown Windows vista-running chip while most ARM-based chips are found in cell phones and linux PDAs. However, with TIs OMAP3530 SoC costing less than $40 in bulk (1000 pcs) the Atom chip cannot compete in the MID space or even smartphone space with its prices; $45 for the Z500 and up to $150+ for the Z540. The Z550 is even more expensive. Adding the $25 for the US15W chipset . . . I don’t know how Viliv does it with their great prices. Weren’t MIDs/UMPCs supposed to cost $500 or less? So far besides UMID’s M1 and Viliv’s S5, S7 and X70 everyone else seems to be pricing them like laptops. Hopefully, the upcoming Moorestown platform will bring 3G equipped x86 smartphones priced for the real world.

  37. DavidC1 says:

    Xemone, for the Z-series Atom, the chipset is INCLUDED in the pricing.

  38. Schugy says:

    I hope my Everun Note will last for long until AMD Fusion arrives.

  39. diancitie says:

    Great article.Thanks.

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