Break Testing Corning Gorilla Glass

Posted on 14 January 2010, Last updated on 13 January 2010 by

I’ve handled many mobile devices and had my fair share of breakages. Luckily I’ve never broken a screen but I’ve seen countless numbers of images of cracked screens from sad owners. Gorilla Glass from Corning could be the answer and at the ‘Lunch At Pieros’ event last week in Las Vegas I had the chance to test it out.

8 Comments For This Post

  1. UMPCPortal says:

    New article: Break Testing Corning Gorilla Glass

  2. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    RT @umpcportal: Break Testing Corning Gorilla Glass

  3. turn_self_off says:

    funny thing tho, sonim uses gorilla glass on their phones. And one of those had a very public incident involving a bbc reporter at CES ;)

  4. Jenn says:

    Gorilla Glass is also used on the Cowon S9 and Zune HD. It would be a great addition to MIDs and anything with a touchscreen really, though I suppose the companies that make screen protectors wouldn’t be too pleased. :)

  5. comment says:

    The Motorola Droid uses Gorilla Glass and this guy ( broke it when it fell out of his pocket at 2 feet.

  6. Typic says:

    its funny, i dropped me Pre from nearly 5ft straight down onto concrete in the worse possible way (on the upper right corner) & all that happened was a notch in the casing. when i picked it up i expected the worse, i was shocked that nothing happened to it.

    it just goes to show, the perception of quality “feel” is bogus & people can be easily fooled. all that really matters is engineering design.

  7. Typic says:

    its funny, i dropped me Pre from nearly 5ft straight down onto concrete in the worse possible way (on the upper right corner) & all that happened was a notch in the casing. when i picked it up i expected the worse, i was shocked that nothing happened to it..

    it just goes to show, the perception of quality “feel” is bogus & people can be easily fooled. all that really matters is engineering design.

  8. MeMeMe says:

    certainly have it’s place in gadgets but how much does it cost.

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