UMID BZ. 1 hour, Live, Unedited Video Review with JKK and Chippy. (Updated)

Posted on 26 January 2010, Last updated on 21 September 2019 by

Update: New, 4-part video’s are included below.

Thanks to everyone that joined the /live session yesterday evening. 600 pairs of feet stepped into the room and we had a lot of interactivity in the chat room which was great!

The first hour of the live session is now available on YouTube for those of you that missed it. Bear in mind that this is the quality that we stream out so it’s not exactly HD but you’ll get everything you need from it.

Specifications and links to more videos and reviews are available in the UMID BZ product page.






14 Comments For This Post

  1. UMPCPortal says:

    New article: UMID BZ. 1 hour, Live, Unedited Video Review with JKK and Chippy.

  2. Smiley says:

    Video seems to be broken. It lasts only four minutes or so, then is followed by fifty minutes of black screen.

  3. anon says:

    Confirmed – after 4:50 the video is blank, with any quality setting. It goes black right after the scrolling banner.

  4. quangDX says:

    yep broke for me as well,

  5. comment says:

    Is there a way to use the optical mouse for vertical and horizontal scrolling? For example, press and hold the Fn key and then drag your thumb across the mouse. Or was it answered in the video? I can’t seem to access it on my smart phone right now.

  6. Chippy says:

    The video does indeed have an error. Same in the source. I’ll re-edit and upload.
    Sorry and thx for feedback.

  7. FireDragon says:

    Thanks, I missed the live session and been looking forward to see the recording but face the same problem as others. Will going to check again later. Thanks for putting it up.

  8. Chippy says:

    The unedited recordings are available on UStream.

    I’ve got a 4-part edited version going up to youtube now.

  9. UMPCPortal says:

    New article: UMID BZ. 1 hour, Live, Unedited Video Review with JKK and Chippy. (Updated)

  10. Chippy says:

    New versions appearing above now.

  11. Jen says:

    Cool Bar~! –> Cap sensor (this is not MP quality) :)

    Enjoy watching the video

    Thank you

  12. Johannes says:

    Thanks a lot for this!!
    After a short stint with the Everun Note this is the only other device that really caught my eye.
    I really, really would need 3G on a device like this, knowing the backstory I understand it might have to wait until the Q3 model and possibly not even then.

    Please oh pretty please Chippy! Stay on top on news of possible 3G model!!!

  13. comment says:

    Gasp! You’re one of those people gadget sites talk about where they say “we couldn’t play with the device because someone stole it.”

  14. Sascha Pallenberg says:

    @chrisnordyke check out these reviews from @chippy and @jkkmobile and

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