Dell Mini 5 Hands-On at MWC: One of ‘a family.’

Posted on 17 February 2010, Last updated on 27 January 2015 by

Dell Mini 5 Pt1_0001

As expected, the Dell Mini 5 was available for hands-on at the Pepcom event at Mobile World Congress and we wasted no time in getting our hands as near to the device as possible. Dell Are being a little careful about handing it out right now which means the software probably isn’t ready but in the demo and Q&A we had with Dell we resolved some of the outstanding questions.

Video notes:

  • The Dell Mini 5 is one of a family of devices.
  • Available with and without 3G
  • Available through carriers and the Dell online shop. (Or at least, that’s the intention)
  • Full Google Android experience.
  • Tailored UI with widgets
  • Media support for H.264 and other codecs. (Although we didn’t get the impression that Dell are targeting this as an Archos 5-killer in that respect.)
  • Facebook and contacts integration looked good.
  • On Pricing, Dell say they will address ‘price points that customers are interested in.) We interpret this as meaning it will be very low cost with carrier subsidy.
  • Very nice hand-holdable form factor and weight. Almost exactly the same look and feel as the Archos 5 Android tablet.
  • Availability will be ‘by summer.’ We estimate this as June, July timeframe but this could just be for the first carrier-supplied versions. It could take a while for the device to roll out globally.

Overall we’re impressed with the specifications and build of the Dell Mini 5, optimistic about pricingĀ  but will reserve judgment on battery life until we’ve had a good chance to test it. The 5.5Wh battery just doesnt sound like it’s ready for all-day action.

17 Comments For This Post

  1. Alan says:

    Well Android does support H.264 in 3GP and MP4 containers. Just not in an MKV container. I guess the Archos probably wins in terms of media playback.

  2. zack says:

    Ya, I’ve played 1 Mbps 640 x 272 MP4s on my Motorola’s Droid. I haven’t tried anything bigger yet. I was hoping that the Dell Mini 5 would have Matroska and soft subtitle support but from the sound of the guy on the video, I highly doubt it. The Archos 5 is the only portable Android device that supports them. Too bad when I bought one last week and upgraded to the latest firmware at the time, it would randomly reboot or apps crash. I didn’t even install anything and it still crashed/rebooted while only browsing or playing a video without running any other app since boot up. Needless to say, I returned it.

  3. Jane says:

    I lost interest when the Dell guy just said some general stuff he probably just read off some talking points sheet before going to MWC. I was hoping for an extensive overview of it’s media playback capabilities. So far it’s just a large Android phone with a front facing camera.

  4. Gizmo says:

    Based on this video and the one from, I don’t think the Dell Mini 5 can decode a 720p H.264 video. It seems more that the guy is saying videos can be upconverted to 720p when outputted through the HDMI using the dock. I guess I waited long enough, I’m going to get the Archos 5 Internet Tablet.

  5. tal says:

    What about the front facing webcam please?
    will we see Skype like video applications? That is for me the killer functionality here besides the phone itself.


  6. Gr says:

    my biggest gripe is how LONG it is taking Dell to release this device. it was leaked last summer, it was officially announced recently with an ETA of summer ’10. thats a full year without even considering the design stage that happened before the leak.

    it may be the best MID ever so far but by the time its released that SnapDragon is going to seem ancient especially with Apples A4 & Tegra2 flooding the market.

    this is exactly why Dell is becoming irrelevant in the global market. they have completely screwed up the release of what may be there biggest product in years.

  7. Rob says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more Gr. When I first saw this phone in January, I thought it was the nicest looking thing I had ever seen. I love gaming and web surfing at work, but even a netbook too big to play with while I’m working. My psp is awesome for gaming but I can’t (and don’t want to) browse on it (and I don’t have wifi I can use at work), additionally, my treo pro sucks for browsing and couldn’t play a decent game to save it’s life. So I was very excited about the mini 5 coming out around when my sprint contract is up at the end of April. But now, with many new devices coming out, which have screens only slightly small than the mini 5, I’m starting to think that if I’m going to wait until June or July for a 3g phone, I might as well wait slightly longer for a 4g phone with the same or better specs. Which also makes me think of how Palm put out the Palm Pre right before the iphone 3gs came out and DESTROYED it. The new iphone will be out before August, and if Dell wants to sell more than 10 of these things, they’ll release it ASAP, or else they shouldn’t even bother. (It may seem that I implied that the new iphone wll be 4g, that is not what i meant, because, as far as i know, it won’t be.)

  8. Filiberto Toyama says:

    I was hoping you’d like to see these items – a <a href=””>mini spy pen</a> camera which is available in the UK.

  9. Anitra Eisert says:

    I was hoping you’d like to see these spy gadget items – camera which is available in the UK.

  10. merio says:

    Unless Professional Evo can sort out online then it is going to shed even a lot more ground. It appears a brilliant thing. Can’t understand why Konami have failed to accomplish it.

  11. Arthur Miazga says:

    Please tell us more about that.

  12. Marylin Sher says:

    You’re a fan, you’re not famous. Get over yourself. Kthanks.

  13. Buy Backlinks says:

    I love the expression. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Keep it up :)

  14. Guadalupe Sadee says:

    I wanted to make an impression at a family members reunion and keep in mind the names of all of the new husband’s loved ones members. There was 1 gent whom I’d asked his name and tried very to keep in mind but failed repeatedly. Finally he bailed me out and said his name was Dick. With out a thought I swiftly stated, “Gosh, how could I forget? You *look* like a ‘Dick’!!!”

  15. Atlantis says:

    Hmm, that Dell mini is nothing to go wow about. It doesnt look slick. Just another device out their…or do I miss something here?

  16. Recharge Card Business says:

    Looks like a nice device, what is the price for one of those Dell mini’s

  17. Kenton Tervo says:

    Very nice sharing. Thank you Good selective information and good means your blog post. Good luck blogger humanity.

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