ARM Press Conference. ‘Eagle’ leaked as next-gen core.

Posted on 31 May 2010, Last updated on 31 May 2010 by

A summary of the ARM Press conference at Computex today. Speaker: Tudor Brown, President of ARM



We’ve become used to ‘always on, anywhere.’

ARM go on to highlight the number of devices in it’s ecosystem.


‘Eagle’ appears on Roadmap above Cortex A9.

Update: I asked what it was and ARM confirmed it’s the next-gen core for high-end platforms.



ARM goes on to highlight where ARM fits in in the home entertainment ecosystem and talks about the Digital Connected TV.

Mali appears


Highlights Android and Froyo and the ARM-specific optimizations.



I asked about Android for the emerging tablet space and the lack of . The response from ARM is that Google a looking at the option of marketplace and Google apps ‘very seriously.’

That’s it for now. I’ll try and get an interview later.

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