Huawei S7 Might Just Be Tablet of the Show

Posted on 03 June 2010, Last updated on 31 July 2015 by

IMG_3593Update: Hands-on video and price now available.

We’ve seen the Huawei S7 before but have never had hands-on or even knew the details on the platform being used to drive it. At the Qualcomm press location today I got to sort both of those issues out and walked away impressed. This is a full 7 inch capacitive tablet running Android 2.1 with voice, 3G and full Google application suite. Yes, it makes calls but the form factor is just perfect for one-handed use. Personally, I think its the best Android tablet I’ve seen so far. No details on price or availability but we assume that Huawei will using their existing channels and partners to get this out. It won’t be cheap, but it’s got everything needed. I have a video that I’ll upload later. What do you think?


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More details on the Huawei S7 in our database.

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Brookespeed says:

    Suddenly the big bezel around the iPad screen starts to look like a great design. This device also seems to be a bit thick. One of the reasons the solid state Archos 5 tablets are so nice is how thin they are. That thickness and bezel tells me it’s heavy, difficult to hold and maybe has a fan inside? Or is it all battery? And then is it a heat radiating power hog or will it go for 24 hour of video playback with all radios on?

  2. achutney says:

    The bezel is added as a usability workaround, to prevent un-intented touch of the fingers on the screen. E.g: When we hold the device using the one hand, sometimes the thumb may rest on the touchscreen (if the bezel is small). This will prevent the touch screen from detecting the finger touch when you use the other hand.. On multitouch screens, it may give confusing signals… you may be actually trying to flip the page, but the thumb resting on the screen may probably give a signal that you are trying to stretch/pinch the displayed image…

  3. al says:

    it will cost around 200 if u listen in on the youtube vid of it they say it will be around that price

  4. alslayer says:

    This tablet looks nice too. I still got my eye on looking glass still.

  5. A.J. says:

    Like !!

  6. Chad says:

    Who will be the distributors in the US? I’m getting one!

  7. al says:

    most likly at&t or tmobile most likly tmo tho since thay have realsed a phone on there network before and it was there first in the usa i think

  8. al says:

    wheres that video u said btw lol?

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