First Pics: Dell – Dual-Core Win7 Tablet – Inspiron DUO

Posted on 14 September 2010, Last updated on 14 October 2015 by

Just shown at IDF. This is going to be available later this year.

The frame spins round to reveal a keyboard. We’ll tray and get more pics soon.

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The device is codenamed Sparta but will be called the Inspiron Duo.

12 Comments For This Post

  1. UMPCPortal says:

    First picss of Dell 10: Dual-core Win7 tablet. at #idf

  2. Steve 'Chippy' Paine says:

    First picss of Dell 10: Dual-core Win7 tablet. at #idf

  3. Amy Barton says:

    RT @chippy: First picss of Dell 10: Dual-core Win7 tablet. at #idf

  4. Gretchen Glasscock says:

    First Pics: Dell 10” Dual-Core Win7 Convertible:  
    Just shown at IDF. This is going to be available later this yea…

  5. Brian Romanko says:

    RT @umpcportal: First picss of Dell 10: Dual-core Win7 tablet. at #idf

  6. Oliver Herbert says:

    First picss of Dell 10: Dual-core Win7 tablet. at #idf (via @chippy)

  7. 空芯菜 says:

    おおおおおなんじゃこりゃ。IDFにてDellが新型披露。「First Pics: Dell 10” Dual-Core Win7 Convertible」

  8. Alltop Mobile says:

    First Pics: Dell 10” Dual-Core Win7 Convertible

  9. Burxoxy says:

    i dont get it, need a video

  10. tsog says:

    So….this is like the lenovo u1, but with atom CPU instead of CULV?

  11. Bezel says:

    Too much bezel to incorporate the spinning screen feature. Makes the 10 inch screen netbook into an 11-12 inch screen sized netbook. There goes the portability advantage of an Atom netbook.

  12. Edpax says:

    New form factor but I’d still prefer the original idea of Fujitsu’s bi-directional rotating monitor.

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