Galaxy Tab Unboxing (Retail Version)

Posted on 14 October 2010, Last updated on 14 October 2010 by

Update: Our live review sessions are now available.
Galaxy Tab Unboxed

The Samsung Galaxy Tab is here and unboxed ready for our live testing session tonight. Enjoy!

Expect lots of testing notes, opinions and videos over the next week.

Samsung Galaxy Tab kindly supplied by Techdepot

Be sure to watch in ‘480p’ for better quality.

14 Comments For This Post

  1. jkk says:

    double tap for fullscreen on youtube ?

  2. says:

    my guess as well, recall seeing it done on some video when flash for android was first announced.

  3. Chris says:

    Jealous doesn’t even begin to cover it, Steve :)

    Looking forward to hearing your impressions; I like the iPad, but the size of the Tab is very appealing. The iPad never leaves the house, but I think I’d be more likely to carry the Tab around with me…

  4. MarcG says:

    Size is nice, but widescreen does look odd in portrait after having an iPad.

    I bet there will be a 7″ iPad option in the next refresh.

    Still can’t get my head around the pricing. It’s looking like the UK prices are £599 which puts it £70 more than the 3G iPad which seems a bit crazy

  5. Ja says:

    Please test if mkv files play. especially ones with high profile and high level h.264 video. thanks

  6. chippy says:

    MKV plays but it looks like HP is NOT working in H.264 and (is it possible?) in WMV. This from a brief test this evening.

  7. alan says:

    That’s surprising if the Galaxy Tab has the same chipset as the Galaxy S phones which many users have reported being able to play many 720p .mkv movies (ie. torrented .mkv’s and even anime .mkv’s that the archos tablets can’t play). I would have expected better video performance on Android 2.2 as well.

  8. chippy says:

    Correction – Im seeing some WMV and H.264 performance. More testing needed. See you in the live session tommorrow for more?

  9. chippy says:

    Just uploaded a very quick and dirty (unplanned) video from the Tab.

  10. Jez@SammyTablet says:

    The Tab is looking very smart! Looking forward to the next update.

    (I want one :D!)

  11. Mr P. says:

    Galaxy Tab is not going to make much impact on Ipad sales if it’s not considerably cheaper than the Apple product. It’s about time the manufacturer realized this before the launch. There is number of Android tablets coming out soon, so if the Galaxy price is this high I would strongly recommend to wait… It’s price will come down when they actually realize their mistake (and missed opportunity).

  12. chippy says:

    This is planned pricing. Announce high, let early adopters, business, competitors buy up the first shipments at high margins and allow retailers to fight over the price later. Carriers will also be able to subsidise very heavily. 599 Euro expected by Christmas IMO

  13. MarcG says:

    Samsung doesn’t have a big history of cutting prices that much. Look at the Q1 range for an example.

    599 Euro is still going to be high when a load of similar Android tables are going to come out for a lot less. I’m not saying they will be better, but they are going to steal a lot of the Tab’s thunder.

  14. chippy says:

    Update: Live Review is up on YouTube and i’ve just posted a video of AngryBirds (important for some, apparently ;-)

    Live Review:

    Angry Birds video demo

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