Tega V2 Naked

Posted on 27 October 2010, Last updated on 27 October 2010 by

Yes, we were unlucky and got a faulty Tega V2 so Tegatech kindly shipped over a new one for us to play with. Work starts on that soon but in the meantime, what should we do with the faulty one? We hinted at a little nakedness to Tegatech and they agreed, so here it is.

The metal back is tough as nuts and there should be no problem doing some mods with it as long as there is space underneath. The surface is so smooth though that you could probably stick a mount onto it. Removing the rubber stoppers and screws was a piece of cake and prising apart the back equally as simple. Revealed!

A 3-cell 34Wh Li-poly battery dominates the layout and you’ll see that there’s very little plastic around it. Removable batteries need to adhere to a lot of regulations about puncture resistance which means that they end up being fat. Internal batteries can be a lot thinner. To the right of the battery pack are 3 important module areas.


At the top you’ve got a half-size PCIe-Mini used for the WiFI/BT module (a 3DSP B/G adaptor that is connected via the USB channel on the PCIe-Mini slot) Underneath that, you’ve got a full size PCIe-Mini slot that is used for the 3G module on the 3G versions (a Huawei EM770.)  Underneath that is the SSD module with a SATA connector but JKKMobile tells me it is not a common size so you can’t easily find fast aftermarket SSDs to swap-in. Here are the detail of the SSD…

IMG_5517 IMG_5520 IMG_5519

So where’s the memory? It’s under the motherboard on the right side. It’s not simple to get to but certainly possible.

More pics (at full size) are available in the gallery.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. UMPCPortal says:

    Tega V2 Naked http://www.umpcportal.com/?p=22678

  2. aftermath says:

    (Lame Joke Warning:) Naked? Where I come from this more like a dissection or biopsy than outright nudity, but we may be in to different things. But seriously, put some pants on that thing.

  3. Gearsguy says:

    NO SHUT UP. These pictures are the most action I’ve had in years.

  4. Chippy says:

    True. A public biopsy would be more correct!

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