Samsung Galaxy S Wifi 5.0 impresses.

Posted on 14 February 2011, Last updated on 14 February 2011 by



This is the Samsung Galaxy S Wifi 5.0 with, obviously, a 5″ screen (Wvga). It has the 1Ghz SP5C110 cpu inside and, confirmed, full Google market and apps suite making it quite unique. It records 720p (fixed focus) and has a nice 5MP camera. It’s built well and slots nicely into a few categories I can think of. People wanting a full Android experience without a contract for a start.
Launching this month in Korea and soon for global markets. A 2500mah battery should see it lasting a long time between charges. DLNA, Samsung app market, GPU, accelerates top off the specs.
Video coming soon but here are a few pics. More coming later.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Mike Cane says:

    I am VERY interested in that! Try to do some test pics with camera and mail them to yourself to post so I can see! This is what I need for mobile pocket blogging!!

  2. says:

    me like. given that it has G-Market i guess it is using 2.2.

  3. phroze says:

    Wow, this looks awesome. Pretty much what I’ve been waiting for.

  4. IronHide says:

    Oooohhh Nice!!

    Been waiting for something like this. Did not replace my dying first gen iPod Touch because the screen size was bugging me.
    Nearly bought the Archos 5 IT, but it is too old now.
    The Dell Streak is too expensive, so am hoping this comes in at a decent price point. If this is about US $350 or less, it will sell like hotcakes!!

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