Very Smart Camera! Acer W510 and PowerDirector 11 Mobile Video Demo

Posted on 19 December 2012, Last updated on 03 January 2014 by

SnapShot (2)Here’s a very interesting scenario and demo.

I installed PowerDirector 11 Mobile on the Acer W510, a CloverTrail Tablet and used the built-in cam for a complete end-to-end on-device video creation and sharing process.

After I had taken the 1 minute video it took just 5 minutes, 300 seconds, to create and render a video with transitions, to upload to YouTube and even included the time it took YouTube to make the video available. Smart camera, or what?

The source video was 720p, the output, 360p but 720p, even 1080p output is possible it just produces a file that would take too long to upload for this video. I’m very impressed as the tool-chain here and can see this working well on an Ultrabook convertible at 1080p with a DSLR as the source.

YES, you can do this on an iPad (no so much on Android as the editing tools are poor) but the process on the W510 is totally flexible on source material and output format. The PowerDirector 11 Mobile project can even be save and opened with the full-fat PowerDirector 11 editor on the desktop, on the Acer W510.

It blows my mind to think of what’s possible here. I’ll be looking to refine this for 720p input from my Panasonic FZ150 and 720p output to YouTube. I’ll be speaking to Cyberlink about getting more options on output bitrate and ‘Magic Style’  templates.

Note I’m also having some success with Movie Edit Touch by Magix which is a more flexible, traditional editor that is well optimised for touch. It’s a lot slower though.

First the demo video and below, the output video on YouTube.



12 Comments For This Post

  1. umpcfan says:

    Chippy, in case you don’t know yet: you can edit the profiles to get the bitrate you want.

  2. Chippy says:

    I know how to do that on PD10, PD11 but how about PD11 Mobile?

  3. umpcfan says:

    Don’t know, I don’t have PD11, sorry, I thought similar to do.

  4. Kamal S. Prasad says:

    Is there any support for pen input?

  5. Luc says:

    Sorry unrelated but just noticed today HTC plans to release Windows 8 RT 7″ tablet. Finally again smaller Windows form factors…

    I might be finally able to replace my Viliv next year.

  6. Jeff says:

    Would have been nice if it’s a 7″ Windows 8 tablet instead of RT. I want to replace my Viliv N5 since I spilled coffee on it. I wonder what kind of battery life can be had on a Clover Trail 7″ tablet.

  7. meengla yip says:

    My wild, un-educated guess for a 7″ running full Windows 8 would be that the device should have approx. 12 hours? The display area will be 3″ smaller–so 30% less than the 10″ of W510 which has about 9 hours in tablet part.t
    Oh, once a 7″ full Win8 tablet is out then I can retire my Google Nexus 7 tablet–currently I often carry the Nexus with me because I am ‘on call’ for some IT department. Can’t wait!

  8. vikky13 says:

    You say that Cyberlink application uses Quick Sync Video while Magix app doesn’t. How do you know it?

  9. hocus says:

    For those interested AnandTech compares the power consumption of a Tegra 3 device (Surface RT) and a Clover Trail one (Acer W510) at both the total power and component level. Clover Trail is generally more power efficient. Tegra 3 has a better GPU though. Also, Tegra 3 is getting prety old. However, this does show that Intel is going to be very competitive in the mobile space in the coming years.

    AnandTech also mentions the bad WiFi, trackpad and stability issues of the W510 but that’s mostly separate from the Clover Trail platform itself.

  10. Marek says:

    AnandTech’s review of the W510 also mentions stability issues (app crashing, random reboots and freezing). I wonder if it’s Windows 8 or the drivers Acer provides.

  11. RAC says:


    can you please install the new 1.01 drivers(are supposed to fix battery life) and check the battery life again?


  12. Dan says:

    Did you make note of how much disk space was free after doing updates on your new w510? I bought one and it had 14gb free… plenty for what I need. Had an issue with it and exchanged it… the replacement only has 10.6gb of disk space left. I can’t find 4gb of apps anywhere, really wondering where the space went but it makes the unit kinda confined.

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