You might come to Carrypad for news on the latest and greatest devices in the MID segment, but if you haven’t taken a moment to familiarize yourself with our Product Database (hosted on our sister-site,, now would be a great time to check it out. In short, we have dedicated pages for hundreds of devices (with the latest devices being added as they become known), and use these pages to collect all known info on each device as it becomes available. The Product Database can also be used to search for and compare devices to find one that is just right for you.
We frequently link to these pages when referencing devices to present you with a concise sheet of info that will enable you to quickly become familiar with a device that you may not have heard of or would like to know more about you’ll find these links in brackets following the device’s name in our articles. For instance, using the Product Database to follow a hotly anticipated and upcoming device such as the Dell Mini 5 [Product Page] will make it easy for you to stay up to date on the most important facets of the device as they develop. You’ll find everything from specifications to a handy popularity chart. There is even a hand-picked list of important articles from around the web which has its own RSS feed for easy tracking.
Also, don’t miss the top 10 chart at the top of the Product Database which shows the relative popularity of the top devices in the database. Go give it a try!