Dell Inspiron 910 full specs and release date leaked

Posted on 19 August 2008, Last updated on 11 November 2019 by

Gizmodo shows us lots of purportedly leaked info about the upcoming Dell Inspiron 910 netbook (yes the one that will not include a row of function keys). Swing by the Gizmodo link to see images showing all sides of the 910. Pretty standard as far as netbooks go: 3 USB 2.0 ports, Ethernet, VGA output, webcam, and a card slot (probably SSD).  If the info as right, the unit will go on sale as early as August 22nd. As we can see from Gizmodo’s images, it looks like there will be 4/8/16GB SSD options. In one of the images showing the insides of the netbook there is a black unit labeled WWAN, the spec sheet also lists wireless connectivity options as "WWAN/WLAN" so it is safe to say that if this info is correct, the 910 will feature WWAN connectivity. In usual Dell style, it would appear as though Ubuntu will be offered as an OS choice on the 910 alongside Windows XP (thanks for not slapping us with Vista).

Rumors of a $299 price point are still unconfirmed. I’m excited for the 910, I’ve always wished that Dell would jump into the ultra mobile PC game, but it looks like they are following the netbook trend. I’m still expecting a quality product from Dell, hopefully I’ll be able to get my hands on one to see how well it stacks up to the competition.

10 Comments For This Post

  1. max griffiths says:

    Hi, from information i had seen I expected the 910 to come equipped with an SD/MMC card reader however you are suggesting an SSD reader, can you confirm this or is it a typo ?


  2. Benz145 says:

    Hey Max,

    When I mentioned SSD in the article I was talking about the Solid State Disk options which are the primary storage for the computer. As for the card reader, I do believe it will be an SD slot but I’m not 100% sure.

  3. bleh says:

    zero interest in this boring looking thing. 901/900A is far more interesting.

    besides, the keyboard looks like Fn-hell!

  4. mark says:

    Too bad there’s no Vista option, that’s a deal-breaker for my household. After a year of Vista, it’s painful to go back to XP.

  5. Futurize Korea says:

    I think it’s as expected, very similar to the other Atom-based netbooks. It will be interesting to see if the keyboard is better minus the function keys. And you would be silly to ignore if Dell can undercut Asus/MSI/Acer in the price department.

  6. fraglez says:

    What about 12-inch version?

  7. Futurize Korea says:

    Go look at the release date chart. The 12 inch was planned for an October release.

  8. davetweed says:

    This looks interesting to me IF dell can keep the price down (they always seem to creep up) and they’ve got options for long life batteries available at launch time. What worries me is that this will be another “netbook” with 2.something hours of battery life, ie, pointless.

  9. zorro says:

    From whom is the WWAN module?

  10. Jeff says:

    It’s August 24th today. Nothing on the Dell site. Bummer.

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