OQO Model 2 Plus Specifications and information

OQO Model 2 Plus alternatives

Also available with 1.8Ghz Atom. Both models have 60GB SSD option ($700) and 3G option $170.

OQO Model 2 Plus Specifications

Manufacturer OQO
Model name Model 2 Plus
CPU Intel Atom (Silverthorne)
CPU speed 1330 Mhz
Graphics Intel GMA 500 specs
OS Windows options
Display Size
5.0" 800 X 480
RAM 1024 MB
Hard Disk 60 GB
Battery capacity 17 Wh
Weight (Minimum) 450gm / 0.99 pounds
Size 142/83/26.0 mm
Size 5.6/3.3/1 inches
Physical Interfaces Docking connector
USB 2.0
Headset i/f (Mic+Line)
Ethernet 10/100
Ethernet 10/100
Wireless Interfaces802.11 a/b/g
3G option
Optional Specs and Accessories (can vary)
Docking station
*Specifications can vary

OQO Model 2 Plus alternatives

Sony Tablet P, 5.5 inch, 370 grams (0.82 lbs)
Eking M5, 5.0 inch, 440 grams (0.97 lbs)
UMID mbook SE, 4.8 inch, 366 grams (0.81 lbs)
Psixpda Psixpda, 4.8 inch, 420 grams (0.93 lbs)
A productive and usable design hampered by relatively short battery life. Mouse pad (hidden on right hand side of frame) is very usable when using the device in two-handed 'thumbing' mode. Keyboard very good for two-handed thumbing.
UMID BZ, 4.8 inch, 363 grams (0.8 lbs)
Solves all of the major issues of the original M1 and adds a useful mouse pointer. With battery life of over 4hrs this is now a serious contender as a productive, pocketable UMPC.
XPPhone XPPhone, 4.8 inch, 400 grams (0.88 lbs)
Early pricing (local, China) is said to be the equivalent of $400 but specifications are not known. If build quality can be kept high, this 400gm basic UMPC/Phone could find some customers. AMD processor is not very powerful but reaches full web speeds similar to very low-end Atom-based devices. 3D support is poor. Given a fast SSD, this could reach acceptable office application speeds.
Viliv N5, 4.8 inch, 399 grams (0.88 lbs)
Lives up to the pre-release hype. Great build quality, fast SSD, good keyboard and battery life. It's expensive when compared to the UMID BZ so you'll have to 'value' that extra memory and build quality. Base model, surprisingly, comes with no video out.
Fujitsu UH900, 5.6 inch, 500 grams (1.1 lbs)
Fujitsu have dropped the convertible screen seen on the U820, have increased the width (bigger keys), reduced the depth and thickness. Weight is down by 100gm. Mouse pointer and mouse buttons are included for on-the-move usage.
Eking S515, 4.8 inch, 420 grams (0.93 lbs)
A productive and usable design hampered by relatively short battery life. Mouse pad (hidden on right hand side of frame) is very usable when using the device in two-handed 'thumbing' mode.
Kohjinsha PA, 4.8 inch, 400 grams (0.88 lbs)
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