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Video: Overview of Windows 7 on Fujitsu Loox U/B50N. (U820/U2010.)

I’m afraid I don’t have time to do a written review of my Windows 7 experience with the U820 but I can say that it’s good. So good that I took some time this morning to quickly go over the device and how it works with Windows 7.  Highlights for me (over the Vista build I was running) are: Improved boot-up time Cleaner, quicker, more reliable log-in using fingerprint reader Divx and H.264 support out of the box. Hardware support for H.264 decoding out of the box Great battery life […]

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Japanese Fujitsu U2010/U820 gets 2GHz Atom CPU

The Japanese version of the Fujitsu U2010/U820 has gotten a little bump in processing power thanks to a 2GHz Atom CPU. Chippy used a variant of the Fujitsu U [Portal page] to great success on a trip recently and really seemed to enjoy the device. A slight bump in processing power onto a device that Chippy describes as, “…HQ from the screen to the well thought-out control buttons and excellent efficiency inch, can’t be a bad thing. The 2GHz variant of the Fujitsu U has the catchy name of ‘FMVLUC50N’ […]

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Fujitsu U2010, how does 9 hours of battery life in the color of your choice sound?

Jenn from Pocketables  shows us a press release from Fujitsu making official the latest iteration of the Lifebook UMPC. We already knew most of the details regarding the Atom based U2010, but the press release has shed light on a few new bits of info. The U2010 will be available in five different colors: Ocean Black, Pink Gold, Cool Silver, Fuchsia Red, and Luminous Blue. Fujitsu is also saying that the U2010 will run for 8 hours on its extended 4-cell battery, or 9 hours with the 4-cell battery and […]

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More U2010 hands-on notes. Fujitsu U820 for the U.S. Market.

JKK uncovered something nice on his daily FCC rounds today. The U2010 that seems to be shooting up the UMPCPortal charts (#4 as I write this), is going to be available in the U.S. as the U820. Jkk reports that there doesn’t appear to be any differences in spec apart from an FM transmitter (for in-car audio transmission) and a good-to-see, XP Tablet Edition option. Bravo Fujitsu! Details: JKKMobile. Meanwhile, over at the UMPCFever offices, JOE has been doing some more testing with the U2010. He’s completed 2 battery life […]

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U2010 UMPC First impressions look good.

UMPCFever are the source of the information here and I find myself more than a little interested in this 1.6Ghz Intel Centrino Atom-based (Silverthorne + Puolsbo) device having read the article. The Fujitsu U2010 appears to be a significant step forward for UMPCs and a possible replacement for my broken Q1 Ultra (more about that here and later.) Improved: Keyboard Wifi/BT on/off switch Battery life Screen Res UMPCFever have measured 3 hours WiFi-on, full screen backlight playing a movie. Remember this is on a 20wh battery. 7W drain under those […]

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Fujistsu U2010. Another Menlow-based mini-convertible.

Just like the Kohjinsha SC3, the Fujitsu U2010 is a mini, no, tiny notebook PC running on the new Intel Menlow platform. JKKMobile and UMPCFever have reported the specifications (now in the database) and I’ve been looking over them. Firstly, the screen is an amazing 1280×800 which is the same pixel density as a Sony UX UMPC. It’s high, but useful. You can always bump the font sizes up if you need to. Secondly, the battery life is quoted as 3.5hrs under Bapco MobileMark 2007 Productivity. As far as I […]


Fujitsu U2010 Atom-based UMPC announced

Focusing on the ‘high-end’ of the market, the Fujitsu U2010 that was announced in Korean today will be an Atom-based (we assume Silverthorne/Poulsbo) ultra mobile PC running Windows Vista and including GPS and 3G. One of the problems of the previous U1010, the multi-function keys, might have been solved in this model as there’s a 6th row of keys on the device. Weight is an impressive 610g. Screen is 5.6" at, we assume, 1024×600. I also see a fingerprint reader and SD card reader.  There’s no word on processor speed […]

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My UMPC and Netbook Retire Today. AMD and ARM Move-In. What Happens Next…

Intel have dominated my mobile device choices for nearly 5 years but all that has changed in the last 4 months. Today, my ultra mobile PC retires and my netbook gets an upgrade. For the last two, years my main computers have been a Quad-Core desktop that I use for hosting live sessions, podcasts and some video editing, and two mobile devices. The Gigabyte Touchnote Convertible Netbook has been my laptop and a Fujitsu U820 (actually a Japanese version U/B50N) ultra mobile PC has been used as my hot-desktop (as […]

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